Double trouble in the ADK Sentinels. 9-17

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You're considering the Wright slide on Sunday, but a 5-mile hike (round-trip) up and down Whiteface is too much? C'mon... let's do this 50/50. I'm not giving up on Whiteface. That mountain has been taunting me for the past six months... staring at me from other summits, puffing itself up to look more impressive, saying "I dare you to climb my slides". The taunting ends now, dammit! We'll both be a bit sore on Monday, but it'll feel great... the mind is willing, and the flesh will heal :D

Kilburn Saturday then Whiteface early Sunday (a 6:00 start would get us off the mountain by around noon)... be back home to catch the afternoon football game.
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rico said:
the mind is willing, and the flesh will heal :D

That's a good one, I have to admit.

rico said:
Kilburn Saturday then Whiteface early Sunday (a 6:00 start would get us off the mountain by around noon)... be back home to catch the afternoon football game.
I saw WF as a much bigger day than that, reversing the order helps a lot. And of course the chair lift will be operating, won't it?

Kilburn will be very long. I have maps all printed up and have waypoints uploaded into my cheater. We eschew overnight gear? If so, I'll make sure I have lots of batteries for both the backlight in my gps and my headlamp. That TR says it took them 91/2 hours from Kilburn to their car. I remember reading something about spruce trees, I'm not sure what that's supposed to indicate. :rolleyes: How early can you get to the TH? It would be pretty cool to get onto the slide at dawn even if it faces to the NW. We should meet somewhere like the Stewarts in Keene. I don't have the name of the road where we will want to spot a car, maybe Bartlet or something but I can get us there thanks to Topo! and my gps. I'll check the exact name on the NG tyvek map tonight and will e-mail with the author of that TR this afternoon. I was going to hike on Thurs, Friday, maybe do Phelps on Sat and rest on Sunday. Now I'll rest first, play later. :)
If my reading comprehension is correct... you are up for Kilburn Saturday and Whiteface Sunday? If the toll road is open on Whiteface, I'll see if Kevin could pick us up in his car.

I plan on spending the night at Kevin's on Friday night. He said you are welcome as well. He lives only about 15 minutes from the trailhead, so an alpine start would be easy.

The 9.5 hours from Kilburn included going over Sentinel. You still thinking of including Sentinel? I usually bring my bivy and sleeping bag just in case... but I'm leaning toward not bringing them.

BTW, Kevin lives on Bartlett Road... we could just hike the old logging roads to his backyard.
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You mean your friend Kevin lives RIGHT THERE??!! Amazing. Yes, I'm up for all of the above. And yes, we may as well go over Sentinel since we will happen to be right in the neighbourhood, and it's on my list. :D
I figured on spotting a car where Liscomb (Sp?) creek crosses the road. (594533E 4906480N WGS 84) Even if it's only a half mile to Kevin's house I wouldn't mind being able to climb in and point the vehicle to a fridge full of cold beer.

Getting lifted off of WF is a fantasy I have had ever since I planned to do the Placid slide. Probably a good idea to take advantage of the lift and ascend the Placid slide in the near futur. This will be a 2 slide, 2 HH summit w/end plus WF for my 2nd round but of course Grace would make us climb right back up and down under our own steam. :)
Over and out.
This was a fun thread, eh?
I hope you got some work done today.
Whiteface slides on Sat.?


I am curious what time you plan to start hiking Saturday for the WF ski trail slides. Or did you plan to do something else that day? (I may have gotten off-route following the postings............. :) )

Howdy do? It's all about reading comprehension on this thread. :D
The ski trail slide is on Sunday and I think we'll start at 6am. Note that Sat. is a huge day and I wouldn't be surprised if we sleep a bit longer than planned right now. Perhaps Rico can PM you a phone # or vice versa. It goes w/out saying that you're more than welcome to join us!

I definitely cannot make it on Sunday, but as usual will enjoy reading your TRs.
Did you have a particular beta you were following? Which slide were you most interested in ascending?

PS Great photo, Tim!
Neil said:
I figured on spotting a car where Liscomb (Sp?) creek crosses the road. (594533E 4906480N WGS 84) Even if it's only a half mile to Kevin's house I wouldn't mind being able to climb in and point the vehicle to a fridge full of cold beer.

Neil, I recall talking with Brian awhile back and they went up Libscomb and strongly advised me against it. They headed down the ridge just south of it and had better luck. The drainage is choked with the "femur eating" false floors typical of the range.

That was his take and I've learned to heed his advice. :cool:

p.s. Thanks Inge
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Thanks Tim! Inge, mostly advice from McMartin (linked to on Tim's ADK hiking webforum) plus advice from Qam1 as well as a recent TR. The rest is from aerial pics (not much good in this case) and good old Topo!

Of course the stellar photographic work of Tim's was an immense aid, without priceless those pics I would have cancelled the whole endeavour. :rolleyes: