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Sep 2, 2004
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Ulster County, NY Avatar: Chapel Pond From Giant M
I'd like to climb Doubletop some time this winter, possibly w/ Graham. I've climbed Doubletop from the east, and Graham from the west, so I'd like to try the Seager approach. I've never been on this trail nor have I bushwhacked on this side of these mountains. All I know is what's on the map. Any advice? Any interest in doing this hike?
It's probably late notice for this Sunday (2/6), but if anyone's up for it, I'd consider doing it then, or we could discuss a later date. I'm already doing something else tomorrow (2/5).

I have never hiked from Seeger, as the first time I did Doubletop, we came in from PH-west branch trail along the property line and then continued to Graham and then back.

Looking at my map, it looks like you could take the trail to cross the flatiron brook and after that, take a bearing and follow the crown of the land right to Doubletop...

Going in between Doubletop and Graham, I remember there being some of those stinging nettles between the two peaks but that is not a problem now. You do have to make sure you hit the shoulder between the two, because it's pretty steep down if you miss it.

Someone signed in today to do Graham and Doubletop from Mill Brook Road. Don't know how far they made it as we did Balsam Lake Mt. Trail to Graham looked well packed.

Also Matt, if you don't do this before then we may do both on 2/19.
There is tentative plans for a bunch of VFTTrs doing Balsam Lake mtn next sunday (2/13) though it's not my hike, so we might do Graham or we might just enjoy the hike to Balsam lake.

Just revisiting this thread because I'm thinking about doing this hike this weekend (2/19-20). I may be climbing D-Top on Sunday w/ someone, but I'm just checking to see if Rik (or anyone else) would be interesting in doing one or both mountains on the 19th. I've really been enjoying hiking on Saturdays lately.

There is a good chance I will go this weekend just not sure which day yet. Should know later in the week.