Drilling in OH State Parks & Forests


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Mike P.

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Sep 19, 2003
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Colchester, CT
From the state that once brought you a burning river. (thankfully my home state is devoid of any mineral rights)

Bill would allow drilling in state parks

By Spencer Hunt, The Columbus Dispatch, Ohio

Source: The Columbus Dispatch, Ohio
Date: March 04, 2011

March 04--State lawmakers will debate again opening Ohio's parks, forests and wildlife areas to oil and gas companies.

A House bill introduced this week would create a panel that could open any state-owned land for oil and gas exploration to the highest bidder. The governor would appoint the five panel members.

State Rep. John Adams, a Republican from Sidney and the bill's sponsor, said drilling can be done safely and help erase a projected $8billion budget deficit and reduce a $560 million backlog of overdue repairs at state parks.

"We don't have the resources to keep our parks and our lakes up to the standards that the citizens of Ohio want," Adams said. "I think this is the best way to go."

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A - O - Way to go, Ohio!!

Fracking safe? :( I'm guessing none of these guys watched Josh Fox's Gasland... which, BTW, was just up for Best Documentary in the Academy Awards.
Stinkyfeet said:
A - O - Way to go, Ohio!!

The Pretenders said:

:) Excellent reference, very appropriate. Green Square for you. I waited on The Pretenders in New Haven once in college. They were playing Toad's Place. Love Chrissie !

Having said that: Since we all use and enjoy gas, oil and electricity, I think it'd be very fair if we were all exposed to the sights, sounds, smells, benefits and dangers of energy production. Maybe if people were actually regularly exposed to production, they'd use less.
Cool song, but The Pretenders stole the beat from Rush Limbaugh.

Similar to how Queen & Bowie stole the "Under Pressure" beat from Vanilla Ice.
I hope this never happens n doesn't set any presedents.

What many people don't know is we don't make money on this at all;, it sounds like we do on paper.

The companies are getting hundreds n hundreds of acres at $1/ so it seems like we are getting alot of money. They are getting large swats of acreage at these dirt cheap prices; plus leave us the horable mess to clean up after em.

We need better sources of energy, not more of what we already have proven is not working. Anyone enjoying the cost of gas or it's side effects?

phew, I feel much better now. :mad:
For the last week, the New York Times has published a series on Gas Drilling:

NY Times Series

Although it doesn't touch on every issue, it's a breakthrough as the first hard look by a main stream national news provider on the subject.
Disappointed, but can't say I'm that surprised.
Without getting into politics, I expect to see much more of this in the name of $$, oil, food...etc etc

Though about National Parks Ken Burns documentary was excellent and also brought to light the endless attempts to open up protected land for most anything special interest wants from timber to killing off the wildlife in Yellowstone to "feed the troops" in WW two (it wasn't allowed).

Given the mind set of these days I expect more of the same.
Cool song, but The Pretenders stole the beat from Rush Limbaugh.

Other way around. The song was written in 1982, Limbaugh started using it on his radio show in 1984.

What bugs me about issues like this (drilling/mining on public lands) is how many people get up in arms over allowing these companies to purchase the rights for gas and minerals on public lands, but you never hear a peep out of these same people when the rights to private lands are sold. The end result is the same, and it affects all of us, whether we realize it or not.

Secondly, it is a fact that, as a society, we rely on natural gas. Nothing will change that in the short term, and unless we all are willing to cut back on energy usage (which I doubt), we're going to have to accept some level of drilling in the short term.

In the long term, however, something is going to have to give. Natural gas won't always be around, and the environmental effects are not acceptable to many. We really do need to step up research on alternative energy sources.

Everyone who is interested in alternative energy sources really needs to watch this video on thorium fission reactors. Fission reactors using thorium, rather than uranium, are much safer and cleaner alternative to the reactors we have in place today. This technology was developed early on in the nuclear age, and one of the test reactors was so safe, that the technicians could literally just "shut it off" at the end of the work day and go home. Unfortunately, as with so many good ideas, the reasons the technology was never developed further can be attributed to politics (the technology was unsuitable for making bombs). Thorium reactors may or may not be the solution (that remains to be seen, I won't allow myself to be swayed completely due to only a youtube video! :)), but they are worth consideration.
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Other way around. The song was written in 1982, Limbaugh started using it on his radio show in 1984...

Wow. It never occurred to me that I would need to explain that the Limbaugh statement (as well as the Queen/Bowie statement) was tongue-in-cheek....well, until now.
They already have gas wells in PA state parks, the campground at Cook says that if you hear a hissing noise from a gas well you should leave - I guess that's better that taking your Coleman lantern over to check it out

We found a leaking gas line in a PA state forest and were going to report it, until a local kid told us they knew about it but it was too small to bother fixing
I'll add a couple more

"It's a new dawn" Grace Slick @ Woodstock just before playing Volunteers. "The times they are a changin" Bob Dylan. On the comeback trail "Captian America" & "Low Budget" The Kinks.

America is going down an extremely rough road right now and Politicians are taking more chances. Drilling is just the tip of the iceberg, I fear it will get much worse as time moves on.

NO NORTHERN PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. It never occurred to me that I would need to explain that the Limbaugh statement (as well as the Queen/Bowie statement) was tongue-in-cheek....well, until now.

That's the problem with the internet... written word lacks the inflection that makes sarcasm so easy to interpret when it's spoken. ;)
I keep thinking; Hey, it's Ohio. I've seen Alaska drilled.

I also realize that the true cost of our gasoline is north of $10/gallon (including associated costs of defense, clean-up, regulation, clean air, etc).

I also don't get the outrage. We have mined our national lands for ever. Our national forests are "managed" by the Department of Agriculture. I don't like this but accept it for what it is.

Proper cost accounting might curtail our oil addiction but until then I think we have to accept drilling in rural Ohio. Or ask Ohio to address it's budget issues in more responsible ways.

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I am on the same page as Chugach001,

Folks will complain and point out environmental impacts of these projects.

Would extracting oil/gas/coal here have less long term impact on the land with our environmental regulations than buying from country XYZ that has little if any regulations regarding pollution, wildlife or the welfare of its residents?

Also since President Carter we as a country have talked about becoming "energy independent" but refuse to mine/drill for energy reserves, really invest in a long term solution, complain about windmill farms, conserve energy (actually energy is always conserved).......