Drones are getting banned in National Parks


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B the Hiker

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Jan 31, 2008
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Middletown, CT
From the AP

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National parks ban unmanned aircrafts

Drones are now officially banned in Arches and Canyonlands national parks in southeastern Utah.

Kevin Moore, acting chief ranger for the two parks, says the unmanned aircrafts disrupt wildlife and are an intrusion on visitors looking for tranquility. The ban also extends to Hovenweep and Natural Bridges national monuments.

In June, Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis directed all parks to take steps to prohibit the use of the increasingly popular aircraft that are often used to take photos and videos.

The Grand Canyon in Arizona and Zion in Utah have already changed their rules to ban drones.

— Associated Press
I was out at the Franconia Falls trailhead last month, and a man came up carrying his drone, getting ready to do some flyovers of the falls. It (the contraption) looked so bizarre and out of place in the woods, I thought. Still, I bet the videos were pretty cool.

I did a quick search and it looks like New Hampshire addressed this back in March --see: http://www.newhampshire.com/article/20140312/NEWS06/140319556 Drones are not banned, but some guidelines are put in place...