thanks. strange that yesterday i got a date of may 07 on the forest service site and then i'm sent a link today of may 08. great timing i guess. the one thing that i realized since last night is that the suspension bridge i'm concerned with is not at 2.9, but 1.7 according to the amc guide. the guide acknowledges no bridge at 2.9 which is actually the mt. clinton trail junction. so is that crossing at 1.7 as awful as the forest service and amc guide says it is? and is that actually the crossing the forest site is listing, but with the wrong mileage? one of my maps has miles marked along the trail and a 2.9 is suspicioulsy next to the suspension bridge in question though not referring to that point (and i know they sell the said map at forest service stations).
so i guess my main question would be if the suspension bridge is good, which based on the info provided looks like a no.
thanks again.