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Sep 15, 2003
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Harbor Hill Moraine
I bought a new computer about a year ago and it doesn't have a 9 pin serial port which my Garmin etrex requires in order to download tracks, routes, waypoints, etc...
So I bought a serial port to usb port adapter.
No luck. After installing the drive, it doesn't download onto my laptop.
Anyone out there have any experience with this (specifically the serial to usb issue)?
My Garmin eTrex works flawlessly with a Keyspan USB to Serial adapter on my Mac (G5 with OSX 10.4.2). What brand was your adapter? In Windows, does it appear as a serial port once installed (like COM6 or something similar)? Can you pick that port in your software? Garmin/Garmin at 4800 (9600?)
No 9-pin?

Take a look here this should fix you up.


edit look here to be sure you have the latest software version for your gps too.
We have an etrex and another Garmin GPS that we use a "Keyspan USB to Serial adapter " in order to connect to our laptop that doesn't have a seriel port.

What software on your PC are you using? It may need a special setup for your GPS.
I moved this to General Backcountry, which is where it belongs since it is a general gear question.

- darren
That Garmin accessory is $60; you should be able to get the Keyspan for only $31.

Of course, either requires that you have already bought the serial cable itself for the GPS.

What I'd like to see is a bluetooth GPS. :)
JOD - I'm going in. I'm gonna download 2.14 (never even got 2.11) and see what happens.
I bought the radioshack serial-to-USB adapter for $40.
If this update from Garmin doesn't work, I'll probobly try to return it and do some more research. I'll let you know how it turns out...........
Thanks all! :D
This all sounds very familiar.
If you are using Garmin PC software, then an update is in order via website for both the Etrex unit and the PC software.

If you are on an older software version of National Geographic TOPO, then you need a full upgrade package. NG sells an expansion pack which has cool stuff like a 3d modeler, but for your needs it has the correct version to communicate via USB. When you call for support, this new product is what they will recommend.

3D Expansion pack

Warning! If you have older NG REGIONAL series TOPO product, this new expansion pack will not work, but if you have STATE Series, then it will.
Note: The "Northeastern USA" is part of the STATE series line.

NG does not have a patch or driver for any of the National Park series products as well.

Don't ask me how I found this out..it was a pain, but NG did me right in the end.
All of this info is from my understanding and experience as of early June '05, so check to see if more options are available.

Brownie said:
If you are on an older software version of National Geographic TOPO, then you need a full upgrade package. NG sells an expansion pack which has cool stuff like a 3d modeler, but for your needs it has the correct version to communicate via USB. When you call for support, this new product is what they will recommend.
You are confusing 2 separate issues. The OP has an RS-232 only GPS and wanted to know about a USB-to-RS-232 adaptor to connect to his computer. This adaptor looks like a COM port to the mapping software.

What you are talking about here is a USB connection to a USB equipped GPS. Different beast entirely. (Some GPSes have both connectors.) NG TOPO!'s USB drivers have lagged the hardware. From your comments, it sounds like they finally have it working.

BTW, NMEA mode, used by non-hardware affiliated vendors (eg NG, Maptech, Delorme) is RS-232 only. (Some GPSes only have USB ports (eg Legend C and Vista C) and do not talk NMEA. They only talk in priopriatary protocols.) These vendors have had to add priopriatary communication modes to their software to be able to talk to UPS GPSes.

All of this is independent of the firmware version running in the GPS itself.

It is worth trying to use the latest version of the mapping software (and USB drivers) if you are trying to use USB mode. The RS-232 modes have been operational for quite some time.

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DougPaul said:
You are confusing 2 separate issues.

What you are talking about here is a USB connection to a USB equipped GPS. Different beast entirely. (Some GPSes have both connectors.) NG TOPO!'s USB drivers have lagged the hardware. From your comments, it sounds like they finally have it working.

No, I am talking about using an Etrex GPS 9 pin comport cable to USB adapter into USB connection to PC.
I have tried this and failed, then got the new software form NG and now it works. Actually, I used my Logitech mouse USB/9 pin adapter.

I also have a Garmin 60CS with USB cable and uses the same USB port.
No conflicts.

Brownie said:
No, I am talking about using an Etrex GPS 9 pin comport cable to USB adapter into USB connection to PC.
I have tried this and failed, then got the new software form NG and now it works. Actually, I used my Logitech mouse USB/9 pin adapter.
Sorry--it wasn't clear to me and I guessed incorrectly.

The USB--RS-232 adapters require a driver to look like a COM port to the applications programs. So getting an appropriate (ie working...) driver can also be part of the problem.

I thought that drivers for the adaptors usually come with the device. Of course, they may also come with bugs and compatibiltiy problems... In theory, the mapping program should see something that looks just like a COM port. (And it is always possible that the mapping programs are going around the supplied drivers and using their own drivers.)

Garmin has issued an updated USB driver. (Looks like it's a driver for USB GPSes.) Don't see it on their website right now. (Possibly included in the recent versions of Mapsource?) it is available from http://www.gpsinformation.org/perry/usb_drivers/USBDrivers_21.exe.

I haven't tracked the USB adaptor drivers for (vs?) NG, but it sounds like they have updated (and fixed their problems) as well.

USB Drivers

Garmin includes updated USB drivers in their MapSource software updates. They updated the MapSource to v. 6.8.0 August 12, 2005. Update.

I haven't had any problems with the new update. I use the serial cable with the Etrex Legend. I have the topo 24k East and MetroBuide North America v 6.00

I like the new features associated with the topo. the profiles are very useful now.
Did it.

Great. Without loading 2.14 from Garmin yet, the USB to serial cable worked fine. I had some original trouble simply because I didn't have the right Com port set for the device. But it works and I downloaded my last route from a recent geology jaunt in Stony Brook with a buddy of mine.

I'm still going to download 2.14 as soon as I'm done here. You may here from me again soon. :D
