Eagle from Seager


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halia and flammeus

New member
Dec 15, 2007
Reaction score
Portrait of a malinois at play (serious business!)
Trail conditions were Great! From the Seager parking area to the lean-to there are many water crossings, and the water level is currently very manageable. We were able to rock hop easily and were not slowed down at all. At higher elevations, there has not been much clean up from winter yet, and there is some loose brush and blow-down strewn about. Nothing much, really. No ice at all.

No special needs/equipment to mention - all the regular stuff: boots, camera, changes of clothes... (the dogs splash me - I end up wet and muddy - no good for heading out to a swanky cafe afterward!).

The spring beauties have carpeted the forest floor - just gorgeous. Trout lilies blooming, nodding trilliums everywhere, dutchman's breeches (my fave!), anemonella... it was a spring wildflower extravaganza :)

Great hike.