Ed Viesturs’ Presentation in Boston - 9/29


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Sep 27, 2004
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Danvers, MA Avatar: The Wave, AZ
"This last May, when Ed Viesturs reached the summit of Annapurna in Nepal, he became the first U.S. climber to summit all fourteen 8,000-meter peaks, without using supplemental oxygen. Join Ed for a presentation on his recent historic climb, which completed his 16-year quest to summit the world’s highest mountains" (http://www.outdoors.org/endeavor/index.cfm)

What are people's thoughts on this show? Has anyone seen any of Ed's presentations? Is this a must-see sort of thing? Is anyone planning on going from here?

P.S. Tickets go on sale @ REI stores on 9/6 and the show is at the Somerville Theatre...
I have not seen one of Ed's shows personally, but a good hiking friend has expressed excellent reviews at one of his slide shows a few years ago.
With this tour, at least you will know where your funds are going, "1/2 proceeds to AMC youth program"
Ed will take a salary of course as this is a commercial enterprise and there is nothing wrong with that.
I only wish I had a show to tour with! :)
I would go too if the show was not on a weekday up in Boston. Too far for me to drive.

I saw one of Ed's slide shows before the Imax film that made him famous was made. Definitely worth seeing.
I saw the one he did there (somerville theatre) probably around 2000-2001 - it was excellant. well worth it the money - he is decent photgrapher and a great speaker.