PA Ridgerunner, thanks for your kind comments.
DaveBear, thanks for posting the link to those pictures. They're wonderful. Thanks also for the kind words. I probably did come across as stern much of the time. For the two of us to go through this journey together, one thing had to be understood -- what I say goes, she simply had to do what I said in certain situations or she ran the risk of getting hurt and then there we'd be, a long way from help. Each step on every hike there was a huge part of me constantly preoccupied with her safety.
Most of the time we had great fun, and sometimes we were downright giddy (descents from Wildcat A and Liberty spring to mind). Other times I was strict for safety's sake (no talking going down slides), and a few times we just got on each other's nerves as normal mother-daughters do (the Kinsmans and Cannon were prime examples, we bickered every tenth of a mile on those three mountains..

). I hope all that is normal, and that she looks back on all this fondly.
I'm glad you hiked with us, and I hope to hike with you again (Flags?). Alex won't be back out there for a few weeks, then it will be something relatively short with Sage. In early October we hope to do a VT peak, then maybe repeat a NH 4K. We'll see what happens.