This doesn't bode well
This doesn't bode well
Again? Last time was less than a year ago. Doing the digging, it's a different owner, who acquired them through the last owner's chapter 11.
Are people buying less outdoor gear.? .. Maybe someone could look at year over year sales at Rei. They publish all financial statements. A year ago, I posted a WSJ article that quoted market research which indicated that people were hiking for shorter times but more intensely.
Just a brand name without a home. Retail is dying and I expect regional brands like these will eventually completely disappear
That was actually not a bad store in terms of selection. The layout was terrible and it was oddly hard to find, though.Cambridge MA is gone already, alas. It was the only store with hiking stuff that I could walk to.
Salem and Nashua are the only NH closings so I guess that's pulling out of the mall market.
And yet, Manchester (Mall of New Hampshire) stays, even with REI opening in Bedford (Can't wait... REI in my town) They are closing all the stores in VT.
They only list "Boston" as closing; I presume it's Comm Ave and the Back Bay location was already closed.... Salem and Nashua are the only NH closings so I guess that's pulling out of the mall market.