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Short Job

December 20, 2008
Three local ladies met at ASRC this morning. We spoke with two gentlemen from Montreal who were heading for Whiteface. There was 14" of fresh powder in open areas and 6-10 inches under forest canopy. The Canadians started just before us, breaking trail. They stopped at the base of Marble to adjust their layers, and that was the last we saw of them. We summited Esther, breaking trail and wearing snowshoes the whole way, of course. It's another world up there, gorgeous!! Snow is plenty deep off trail that spruce traps are a potential problem. Upon our descent, we looked to the right towards Whiteface when we reached the Esther/Whiteface junction, trail was unboken. This report will be a moot point by midday Sunday (first day of winter) if the forecast is accurate.