Everest Deaths


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I wish there were more details on this. How did the brother fall into the cravasse? Were they roped up? It is unclear whether or not they were in the Khumbu Ice Fall or not... Seems to me like they were higher up than it.

didn't a canadian die on everest just last week?
scary stuff :(
a real bummer; Dan Mazur, one of the co-leaders of the Everest group, has been leading Himalayan trips for a long time, so no doubt will be questioned for losing one of his clients. But, hey, at one time not so long ago one person attempting Everest did not come back for every five making the summit......
I read about this Monday online. Mike and his brother were raising funds for research on hereditary diseases like Huntington's and Parkinsons. Their 39 year old sister, Diane, died at 39 a few years ago from Huntington's as did their mother. Diane was the captain of my college swim team at St. Bonaventure. Amazing woman- she smoked like a fiend, drank like a fish and was the best swimmer on our state winning team. She was also an All American athlete. How horrible for the surviving brother....
sapblatt said:
sad but true. A Canadian died from a heart attack a couple of days before the mentioned tragedy. :(

His name was SEAN EAGAN and he was a co-worker of valuable contributor to this site. Someone I've never met, but consider a friend anyway. He actually died of a Lung Infection. My deepest to all the family and friends of those that paid the ultimate price this year for "the Freedom of the Hills"
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I read most of the website regarding Eagan...incredilby sad. He was quite an all around great person. As Pete said his conditioning seems great, but it was the infection that apparently did him in, not physical issues with the mountain and climate.