Exercise helps increase flu vaccine effectiveness


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Tom Rankin

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomville, New York
There are 2 points in this article, the first is pretty well known:

1 - Those who exercise regularly generally have better immune systems.

The second was news to me:

2- You can do specific exercises before or after the vaccine is administered to boost your immune system.

Full NY Times Article
Hmmm ... more perpetuation of junk science from the NYT re: that second point? Seems pretty sketchy to me.
I have never gotten a flu vaccine, and I don't recall the last time I got sick, let alone the flu!

I have never gotten a flu vaccine, and I don't recall the last time I got sick, let alone the flu!


Same here.
Wait, actually, that's not true. The last time I was sick, with the flu, was SuperBowl Sunday in 1995. Had a 104.7F fever. Was hallucinating. I don't get sick often, but when I do, I come close to death.
I have never gotten a flu vaccine, and I don't recall the last time I got sick, let alone the flu!


I used to boast that I had never gotten a flu shot or had been sick with the flu. However, two weeks ago the influenza virus knocked me on my ass. Had high fever, congestion and had to go to the hospital. Luckily, they caught it in time so that the Tamilfu prescription they gave me was effective. Was healthy again within a week. In the meantime, it ruined one week of winter hiking and I prayed for a quick death. Next year I get the flu vaccine!
I used to boast that I had never gotten a flu shot or had been sick with the flu. However, two weeks ago the influenza virus knocked me on my ass. Had high fever, congestion and had to go to the hospital. Luckily, they caught it in time so that the Tamilfu prescription they gave me was effective. Was healthy again within a week. In the meantime, it ruined one week of winter hiking and I prayed for a quick death. Next year I get the flu vaccine!

I've had the flu one in the last twenty years, and it was the one year I got the vaccine. Never again for me.
I've had the flu one in the last twenty years, and it was the one year I got the vaccine. Never again for me.

This year they say it is about 62% effective, which is about average. I know plenty of people who had the vaccine and got the flu later on this year (including my 15 year old son), and plenty more that got the vaccine and, so far, are fine. All about probability. On balance, I'd rather not get knocked on my ass 2 out of 3 years. (plus it's mandatory for my job anyway). And the vaccine does not cause the flu. It just doesn't. But anyway, I like to exercise and will keep on doing it! :)

I am also just getting over the flu. Terrible. Never got the shot before in my life and the last time I was sick was Christmas day 1987!... I am getting the shot next year.
I didn't mean to imply that the flu shot gave me the flu....I know there are various strains each year, and each years vaccine is a guessas to which one will be the problem that year. If you're exposed to a variety not covered by them vaccine, you get no protection. Supposedly that's why this year is so bad...the strain hitti the US doesn't match the early vaccine that was available.

I've had the flu one in the last twenty years, and it was the one year I got the vaccine. Never again for me.

The FAQs seem to address all the questions/concerns in this thread.


For people who never ever got sick, hmm, spend a day in a daycare with 3 and 4 year olds. They are walking petri dishes.