Exploring Tunnel Ravine on Moosilauke 7/23/09


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Jason Berard

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2006
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N. Thetford, VT Avatar: Cabot, winter 2011
I've been wanting to get into Tunnel Ravine on the west side of Moosilauke for a long time. In the 30's there was a trail that went right up from Tunnel Brook Road into Tunnel ravine, where there was a cabin, and then climbed a slide up to the ridge to join the Benton Trail. If you look at a map of Moosilauke, the ravine due west from the main summit is Tunnel Ravine. Its kinda neat.:) The ridges that form the sides almost meet at the end. Anyway, I had a half day today to explore, so off I went, knowing that I would have to turn around before I wanted to.
I started at the end of Tunnel Brook Rd and turned east at the second brook crossing.

I saw a lot of big trees that had been girdled with a saw....:confused:

After a while, I hit the brook draining the ravine. I also came across a moose skeleton, which was spread out quite a ways, and looked like it had been there a while, as it was covered with at least one years worth of leaves.
Then, following the brook on the north side, I came across this:

At the falls is where I found my only sign of a trail ever having been here:

I believe I heard from avk4316 that DOC used to use a different blaze than the orange/black/orange that I am used to seeing all over the Upper Valley.
Maybe this was their older blaze scheme?

Anyway, the waterfall was reward enough for the day, but I wanted to climb a bit more before I turned around to see if I could get a glimpse into the ravine. This is the best I could do.:eek: This is looking east, possibly at Mt. Blue?

This is looking west, and you can just see the slides on Clough:

On the way back I chose a different route and connected with a N/S logging road which was nice to follow all the way back to the car.

Driving back down Tunnel Brook, I saw a stone pillar on each side of the road, not too far from the junction with 112:

I'm wondering what they were from.....possibly "The Old Parker House"?
Always like the unexplored nooks, particularly the old abandoned trails. Perhaps that mystery pillar was the remains of one of the old hotels on the bottom. Thanks for sharing your travels Jason!
Sounds like a pretty nice place! Makes me remember that I have to get back to the Moose when it's not spitting ice and blowing 60 mph!

Thanks for the photos, Jason.
nice report on a beautiful and wild side of the mountain..that is quite the ravine looking down from the outlook

I sure enjoyed the "civilized" part on the Tunnel Brook Trail earlier in the week
That is an awesome report! I love these off-trail explorations! Great waterfall you discovered (or re-discovered)! :)
Marty, I don't know about Moosilauke Ravine King, but I think I could spend a lot more time wandering around.....
Gorge Brook Ravine, Jobildunc Ravine, Little Tunnel Ravine, Tunnel Ravine, Slide ravine...:D Thankfully no spruce traps this time!:eek:

Ridgewalker, I think the pillars must have something to do with either the Parker House, or the CCC, who had a camp in Wildwood.

Mad Townie, of all the times I've done Moosilauke, I've gotten ONE bluebird day!:eek: But, boy , was it beautiful up there! Get back soon!

Grouseking, thanks. I plan to do more exploring up there this fall/winter. I hope your move has gone well!

NeoAkela, thanks! The waterfall was cool! That one of the perks of navigating using a brook!:cool:

nice report on a beautiful and wild side of the mountain..that is quite the ravine looking down from the outlook

I sure enjoyed the "civilized" part on the Tunnel Brook Trail earlier in the week

Thanks Silverfox. I actually haven't been on the Benton trail yet, but I hope to rectify that this year. Is that lookout looking into Tunnel Ravine (south), or Little Tunnel Ravine (north)?