Fall Gathering Barnes Field, NH 9/18-21


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Mats Roing

New member
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Brighton, MA
The hiking friendly gathering is on! :)

So we have sites 2 and 3 all four nights (Th 2pm - Mon noon)
Site 5 for Friday 2pm to Sunday noon.

Site 5 is aside a bit and might be suitable for families and people going to bed early.

Link to campground: http://www.recreation.gov/camping/B...edSiteRb=18579&contractCode=NRSO&parkId=70802

Please post what hikes/climbs/swims/fishing/biking you are planning to do and I encourage people to invite other hikers to join them. Lots of great people in the hiking community to get to know :)

I was thinking $5 per person/night might be reasonable so $10 if you stay 2 nights etc. The goal is to reach close to the $387 I already paid for the reservations. Dr Wu (Frank) will collect money Fri-Sun and I will be there Thursday night.

Looking forward to great Gathering!
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I'm packing my suitcase full of cheap, stolen watches and raccoon brains right now as we speak. I'll be all ready for that weekend real soon!

-Dr. Wu
So what hikes are people gonna do during the Fall Gathering?

I expect it to be a wide variety of hikes. There might even be a technical climbing group ready to rope up.

Do some sunshine dances please!
Dr. Wu.. will you be powering the watches from the raccoon brains?? Like they do with potatos and clocks? I'm there if that's happening..
Mats Roing said:
So what hikes are people gonna do during the Fall Gathering?

If anyone is interested, I would like to spot a vehicle at some trailhead on Rt. 16 and do a traverse of Moriah via the Moriah Brook Trail (redlining for me)from the Wild River valley to the east; could add S&M Carter if time.
Leaf and Gillian have the exact same avatar. Is that, like legal?

I'm going to ride the cog and moon the hikers.
I'm lookin' at a Willey Range traverse. Field and Willey will be 45 and 46 for me. {Yes, I'm officially finishing the stupid list this year.}

Also interested in checking out the Southern Ridges (Stairs and so forth).
dr_wu002 said:
I'm packing my suitcase full of cheap, stolen watches and raccoon brains right now as we speak. I'll be all ready for that weekend real soon!

-Dr. Wu

DR Wu,

Can we "not" use the word "stolen" in our gathering thread right now....I'm dealing with enough to cover all of us! I started cringing!

On a bright note, I am hoping to join in the weekend. Could really use a fun sunny weekend! Not sure climbing/hiking...combo package I'm thinking!

Looking forward to getting back in the Whites, those Bugaboo's and Rocky Mountains were nothing....without my friends! :D
Anyone up for a one day assault on the Davis path?I've backpacked it but would really like to do it in one shot.Or maybe the Dry River Trail...............
I'm definitely in for this one. I'll come up Friday night, and plan to hike with Mats and Co. on Saturday and Sunday...so N. Pressies on Sat and some portion of the Moriah/Carters/Cats hike on Sunday. However, I'm not getting up at 5am Sunday to hike...I'll meet you somewhere along the way! After all, gotta participate in that wild party thing going on Saturday night! :p :D
sasquatch said:
Anyone up for a one day assault on the Davis path?I've backpacked it but would really like to do it in one shot.Or maybe the Dry River Trail...............

Why not a loop, up one and down the other?
You can also get dropped off at the Stanton Trail (Whites Ledge) just east of Glen and do like a 35-mile Pressie Traverse or whatever that will be....not too often you see trip reports covering Mt. Pickering and Langdon.....
I'm working on the logistics of being in LP and coming over on Saturday for some hiking friendly stuff and mountain friendly stuff on Sunday...

At the same time I'm evaluating my marital status and considering what impact such logistics may have on same... :confused:

People still going (really...) to Patriot games these days w/out a QB of note??
bubba said:
People still going (really...) to Patriot games these days w/out a QB of note??

The Bills haven't had a QB of note for nearly 15 years and people still go to those games.

- d