Fall Gathering Barnes Field, NH 9/18-21


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uh oh. bad subject for some us....

"People still going (really...) to Patriot games these days w/out a QB of note??"

thats just not right bubba!!!!
Neil said:
Leaf and Gillian have the exact same avatar. Is that, like legal?

I'm going to ride the cog and moon the hikers.

I believe Ski-Mom and & 7 Summits have the same one too, so it must be legal. :D

I'm not going to be able to make it. :eek: :eek:
prino said:
I don't think the Peabody River is neither deep enough or warm enough for that! :D

There is a deep great place across route 16 from 19-mile Brook Trailhead.....people are diving from the cliffs on the side......Gillian, Dr Wu, Nartreb and I went there in July....just go south on route 16 for 100 meters from the TH and there is a trail which leads to the magic place.....
nartreb said:
sasquatch said:
Anyone up for a one day assault on the Davis path?I've backpacked it but would really like to do it in one shot.Or maybe the Dry River Trail.
Why not a loop, up one and down the other?
Sasquatch said:
Why not!Would make for an intersting tour to say the least.
Mats Roing said:
You can also get dropped off at the Stanton Trail (Whites Ledge) just east of Glen and do like a 35-mile Pressie Traverse or whatever that will be....not too often you see trip reports covering Mt. Pickering and Langdon.....

Davis-Dry River is already 25 miles, probably enough for one day if we don't want to miss the bonfire at BF.
I probably book another site for Friday and Saturday night since those days will be more heavily attended. This potential site will be a little further away from 2 and 3 but might be a good idea for people who wants to go to bed early and for families.

Please carpool if possible to save the environment, gear money and the image of a car dealership ;)

Tent sharing is also recommended....last year I was a hiker gathering and there were 17 people and 17 tents.......I think we can get along better than that :D
We have site nr 5 also for Friday and Saturday night.

Check-in is at 2pm and check-out is at noon.
I'm going to try and make this event from Thurs. to Sun. although the odds are stacked in my dis-favor.

If I do make it I'm going to spend all of time exploring Washington as per this thread
And you wonder why people questioned the tone of this Gathering...


Please folks, let's try to stay on topic.
So we have sites 2 and 3 all four nights (Th 2pm - Mon noon)
Site 5 for Friday 2pm to Sunday noon.

Site 5 is aside a bit and might be suitable for families and people going to bed early.

I was thinking $5 per person/night might be reasonable so $10 if you stay 2 nights etc. The goal is to reach close to the $387 I already paid for the reservations.

Dr Wu (Frank) will collect money Fri-Sun and I will be there Thursday night.

Looking forward to see you there!

Planning on getting there Saturday evening. Will be driving from Portsmouth to Barns Field and on Sunday evening driving South to Bolton MA. If anyone needs a ride from either of theses spots just let me know.

I will be staying in the LP area and be engaged in a full-throttle marriage continuation program.

Not the worse place to spend the weekend ;) . I'm just going to suggest we participate in naked swimming, tent farting and reflect on why it is that Buffalo has one of the largest stadiums in the NFL and continually fills to capacity - even when we have left over Patriot QB's who eat Wheaties. Remember - there's nothing worse than a whining Patriot fan. :p (well... maybe over-zealous Red Sox fans!)