Falling Waters Trail Relocation


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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
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This was quietly posted as a proposed action with no supporting documents: https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/whitemountain/?project=66490

"Relocate about 5100 feet of the Falling Waters trail to a more sustainable grade and location, along with construction of a new 1900-foot spur trail to Cloudland Falls. Work would be done by the Appalachian Mountain Club."

Scoping Start06/27/2024
Comment PeriodN/A
Objection Period StartN/A
Decision08/01/2024 (Estimated)
Implementation04/01/2025 (Estimated)

About a mile of trail relocation. A half mile spur to Cloudland Falls (currently adjacent to the trail) suggests the trail would be relocated far from the brook.
Just looking at a map, I would guess the relocation would leave the current route around 2050', run up the ridge south of the current route, and rejoin the trail at the switchback around 3050'. The spur leaving the new trail at and running along the 2600' contour to Cloudland.