I saw a moose on my very first AMC trip to the Whites. We pulled in late in the evening before hiking up to Imp Shelter for the night. Saw a moose on Rte. 16 somewhere past Nineteen Mile Brook Trail (it was all foreign to me at the time).
Seemed pretty cool! Drive up to New Hampshire, see a moose.
Didn't realize that wasn't a routine occurrence. After all these years, I've still only seen moose probably a dozen times or less. Always happy, and frankly, dazzled at those huge creatures, when I do.
I saw a moose on my very first AMC trip to the Whites. We pulled in late in the evening before hiking up to Imp Shelter for the night. Saw a moose on Rte. 16 somewhere past Nineteen Mile Brook Trail (it was all foreign to me at the time).
Seemed pretty cool! Drive up to New Hampshire, see a moose.
Didn't realize that wasn't a routine occurrence. After all these years, I've still only seen moose probably a dozen times or less. Always happy, and frankly, dazzled at those huge creatures, when I do.