Fire Tower Finish on Wakely 6/7/08

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Varda and Jeff

We finished the Fire Tower Challenge on Wakely Mountain! This set of hikes was a lot of fun and brought us to many areas of the Adirondack Park that we might not have otherwise visited. Cedar River Road leading to the trailhead parking area is in great condition, paved for the first 7.5 miles, followed by a very smooth dirt road for the final 4.3 miles. Beavers have built a dam about 100 yards from the parking area, flooding a section of the trail. It's an impressive structure and strong as concrete. The black flies kept us moving at a pretty good clip, and thousands of them welcomed us upon our arrival on the summit. The tower is climbable and the views from it are pretty good, but be careful if you climb it since there are no safety wires surrounding the platforms.