Foster Crossroads - Renovation by Backhoe

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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
I am visiting Worcester Mass one day a week to keep an eye on a project for the next few months (oh boy;) ) . I leave Gorham early AM and return late afternoon. I had seen some activity over the last few weeks at Fosters, a couple of Conex Boxes and some demo on the porches but it didnt look there was a lot of salvage going on. I went by this morning and there were two very large construction backhoes parked next to the building. When I can back around 4 PM most of the building was down with a backhoe sitting on a pile of rubble working on pulling in some sidewalls. Plenty of locals parked along the road watching the work.

It's a bit surprising how little demo on the exterior was done, normally there is selective demo to remove any materials that would classify the debris as "special" or hazardous, usually there is salvage pile off to the side but none was visible. Backhoes take a building down quick, but they definitely are not great at salvage. It's not cheap to dispose of construction debris when tipping fees and trucking is factored in. This usually implies someone with deep pockets wants it gone fast or someone who just doesnt understand the process.

This is not the only demo in the area this year, earlier this year a former inn/restaurant north of Yayas (the post office) on the west side of RT3 was leveled. It had been vacant for several years. Now if the vacant former Busy Bee bakery/bistro near the Ammonussuc Campground can join the former Hank's that was torn down, some of the more blighted structures on the main road will be gone although the motel just west of there is decidedly not aging well.
I am visiting Worcester Mass one day a week to keep an eye on a project for the next few months (oh boy;) ) . I leave Gorham early AM and return late afternoon. I had seen some activity over the last few weeks at Fosters, a couple of Conex Boxes and some demo on the porches but it didnt look there was a lot of salvage going on. I went by this morning and there were two very large construction backhoes parked next to the building. When I can back around 4 PM most of the building was down with a backhoe sitting on a pile of rubble working on pulling in some sidewalls. Plenty of locals parked along the road watching the work.

It's a bit surprising how little demo on the exterior was done, normally there is selective demo to remove any materials that would classify the debris as "special" or hazardous, usually there is salvage pile off to the side but none was visible. Backhoes take a building down quick, but they definitely are not great at salvage. It's not cheap to dispose of construction debris when tipping fees and trucking is factored in. This usually implies someone with deep pockets wants it gone fast or someone who just doesnt understand the process.

This is not the only demo in the area this year, earlier this year a former inn/restaurant north of Yayas (the post office) on the west side of RT3 was leveled. It had been vacant for several years. Now if the vacant former Busy Bee bakery/bistro near the Ammonussuc Campground can join the former Hank's that was torn down, some of the more blighted structures on the main road will be gone although the motel just west of there is decidedly not aging well.

Hopefully a Circle K type with a Dunkin drive thru.
I hope it's not going to happen but the most likely business that is drawn to rural blight is Family Dollar/Dollar General ;(.

I don't think that'll happen due to the remote area it is. Also the fuel pumps were re built so I would assume it will be still a fuel type business. But Dollar General is a God send to me in rural areas. They have everything one might need without traveling many miles. But the town fathers have to make them have good taste in making the building and signs. Whitefield blew it. Let them set up the uglyist building and signs. Other towns got them to tone it down around USA.
Foster's Crossroads is going to be rebuilt as an updated convenience store, shooting for November/December opening if everything goes smooth. The owner hopes to have the rubble cleaned up by Thursday/Friday and the gas pumps will be re-opened for Friday/Saturday in time for the big weekend. There will be a Dunkin Donut going in the new building. Really deep pockets would have been needed to upgrade the 132 year old former building and that just wasn't in the cards. Many building relics were reclaimed by individuals and the Twin Mountain/Bretton Woods Historical Society.
Good to hear that something was saved. No doubt, that building was beyond repair and just not functional for a conveniency store. Is it still the same owner?. They seemed to be a nice family.

July 3, 2022



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Fantasy World=
Great place for the Crawford Gateway Scenic Trail visitor Center. The trail actually starts in Littleton and runs the old rail grades to Pierce Bridge. Then follows the old B&M RR grade through the newly acquired SPNHF Ammonoosuc River Forest to Twin Mt and the Visitors Center. Then it follows the old B&M RR Grade into Fabyans, and then branches into convenient trail access to popular destinations in the notch. A $7 billion project.
Many building relics were reclaimed by individuals and the Twin Mountain/Bretton Woods Historical Society.
IMO a building worth saving would be the old print shop at Bretton Woods Resort. Lots of History to be saved with just with the old printing equipment inside the building which is really falling into disrepair.
No, its the one on the left down a bit of slope prior to the traffic lights at the intersection of RT 3 and RT302 if you are heading north on RT 3. It was an old Inn or some sort that had a store in part of the first floor. A new onwer upgraded the gas pumps several years ago. It is a prime location as its visible to traffic heading west on RT 302 or south on RT 3. Its a big lot.

I have been in Whites for 30 plus years and do not remember the store in front of the cabins near Haystack Road ever being open. One building succumbed to the elements and the remaining one is on the same source.
No, its the one on the left down a bit of slope prior to the traffic lights at the intersection of RT 3 and RT302 if you are heading north on RT 3. It was an old Inn or some sort that had a store in part of the first floor. A new onwer upgraded the gas pumps several years ago. It is a prime location as its visible to traffic heading west on RT 302 or south on RT 3. Its a big lot.

I have been in Whites for 30 plus years and do not remember the store in front of the cabins near Haystack Road ever being open. One building succumbed to the elements and the remaining one is on the same source.

Back in 1987 I stopped at that little road side stand/store and got 2 very badly needed meatball subs and sodas after a semi-disastrous 3 day backpacking trip (my first ever) with 2 high school friends. Our car had transmission problems on the way up and we wound up having to leave it at a garage in Twin Mountain (which I believe is also long gone), walk to Sugarloaf Campground for the night, then a Zealand/Guyot/Twins traverse and down Haystack Rd to that stand to wait for our ride from RI. We had planned on doing most of our shopping at the local stores so without a car we wound up eating and drinking "real light" for the trip. There might as well have been a rainbow over that store when we got out to Rte 3 and saw that it was open.
After months of an open hole, its looks like they are starting the foundation. My guess it they are in a rush with the weather to get the concrete in and shell up. Interestingly they are using an ICF foundation system, pretty rare for a commercial building that normally go with slab Contruction.
I went by yesterday and there are piles of wood and construction crews swarming the site. Its a bit unusual that they are building a store with a basement with joist supported floors. It is usually far less expensive to pour a slab on grade.
I went by yesterday and there are piles of wood and construction crews swarming the site. Its a bit unusual that they are building a store with a basement with joist supported floors. It is usually far less expensive to pour a slab on grade.
Just my 2 cents. I'm not an engineer like yourself but could be a grade issue. Having a frost wall could be better to deal with runoff. Definitely slopes up to the west quite significantly if I remember correctly. Slabs crack and heave a lot easier too. Maybe they are actually building it to last awhile unlike a lot of stuff that just gets slapped up.
Stopped by on my way back from Tuckerman‘s yesterday afternoon and saw workers nail-gunning away on the floor joists for the main part of the structure. There also appear to be smaller slabs at each end.
Floors are in and walls were up when I drove by after a hike today. I havent seen any trusses staged there so I suspect they will take them right off the truck and drop them in place when it gets there.
Update as of 6/4 is there is quite a large shell in place but a lot more to go before its going to be able to open.

I noticed the nearby Living Waters Campground has changed their name to the Twin Mountain Campground and is advertising local microbrews at the camp store (adjacent to the Pizza place).
Update from 6/18

Walls are up with some sort of green tar paper.

The bottom of the sign reads "Foster's Crossroads" in the same format as the Valero signage.