frank post trail to LT to 118

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Date of Hike: 3/20 -3/21

Trail Conditions: Mud at start on Tilloston Rd., then soft, dense snow to Tilloston Camp. Mostly hard packed (could easily change with change in temperature) deep snow on LT to rt 118, except at lower elevation.

Special Equipment Required: Snowshoes - essential above about 1500', Crampons - not required

Comments: Frank post trail was broken, but it didn't make much difference because the snow was so soft on day 1 that one broke through anyway. The second day, the cold of the night froze up the trail a bit, so that we were able to stay on top on the broken part of the trail---it was much easier. Don't be fooled by the lack of snow at lower elevations---there is still at least 4', even at just 3000', although it is melting. Tilloston camp has a nice window an view. Despite the warnings of mice, we didn't see any, but bring a pen or pencil for the camp log--not one of the writing implements that are in the shelter work. Good views when the clouds broke--we even got a little snow in Saturday evening and Sunday morning.

Your name: Brad