Fuel Canister Leak


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New member
Sep 5, 2003
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Manchester, NH
We were backpacking two weeks ago and brought along our MSR Superfly stove. After using the stove, we detached the canister (MSR brand) and noticed that fuel was leaking out of it. The simple answer was to attach the stove to it again, but I was wondering if anyone here had experienced a fuel canister leak and what they did about it. Thanks.
Not really backpacking stove canisters but I have done some plumbing type soldering in my house and those propane torch canisters seem to be similar design to the backpacking stove canisters. I have some old propane bottles whose internal spring gets corroded or in some way sticky over time such that without the valve on the burner itself, the valve doesn't close and the compressed propane leaks. I've basically did what you did, attach my propane burner to the bottle and left it as that. Not sure if there is anything you can really do, unless you want to start fiddling with a compressed gas container. Which I wouldn't recommend and if so, do it outside and don't smoke. :)

Really, I'd just toss it/recycle it and use a new one.
