Garfield via Garfield Trail

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New member
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Meredith New Hampshire
Trail Conditions: solid base with some loose snow..a bit unconsolidated from junction of Garfield ridge Trail to summit.. brook crossings doable with some wet rocks..water was low but bridges will be gone soon i think..we skipped the snowmobile bridges and stayed on the trail

Equipment...most in group used snowshoes the whole way..could be barebooted with minor postholing..snowshoe traction helped alot on icy spots at the beginning of trail and on final ascent..warm today..didn't need much in the way of winter gear as far as that goes..doesn't seem to be as much snow here as in some other spots (blazes are actually at eye level)

Comments: Thanks to Emma for breaking trail in earlier group up..nice treat to run in to marchowes as he finished single season 48's ..quite a feat..kudos ..nice to run into other vftt'rs..Kevin, Judy, and Emma, bikehikeskifish, marchowes, and group..No VFTT today but another fine day in the Whites..thanks Leon and Helen for getting it together
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