Garlic vs Ticks: Old Wives Tale?

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Sep 8, 2003
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Someone told me with confidence that eating alot of garlic will repel ticks. I know it repels people, but is this an old wives tale?

Please comment.
If it worked, then wouldn't bug repellant manufacturers use it?

Seriously though, I've heard that about garlic too, along with several other folk remedies, like brewers yeast. I haven't noticed that any made a difference for people or dogs. But that won't keep me from finishing my garlic laden pesto lunch!
I have heard about the garlic, and have also heard that it's the garlic in pill form, not food, that makes the difference. I've also heard that one of the B-complex vitamins (some claim B-1, some B-6, some B-12) will do the trick. I've never tried either, and I've never seen anything that proves it works. We have used pure oil of citronella (not to be confused with the lamp oil!) on clothes, but it works only so-so, has to be applied often, and you really smell like a lemon (I suppose it might be considered better than the scent that some folks leave!). Mostly we use DEET, and in worst cases even that doesn't seem to work.
It does work. I tend to atract bugs more than others but when I have a lot of garlic it keeps them away. The bad thing it also keeps my wife off me as well.
The bad thing it also keeps my wife off me as well. >

Being married and having a kid will be much more effective in doing that than garlic. :D
Tuco said:
The bad thing it also keeps my wife off me as well. >

Being married and having a kid will be much more effective in doing that than garlic. :D

Amen, Tuco