Garmin 60CSx - waypoints filled

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Near the Adirondack Blue Line
When upload a route today rec'd a msg saying that the waypoints are filled. I remembered reading in the manual that it happens. I was playing around with the settings, looking for a place that let me delete waypoints, but could not find a place where ai could do that in bunches.
So is my reading correct, with the unit just wrap around the waypoints, deleting the oldest ones first on a rolling basis?
And is there a way in between deleting ALL the waypoints or deleting them one by one?
What do others do when faced with this message.

Unfortunately, the 60CSx puts route waypoints in with the regular waypoints. (The 60CS didn't or at least didn't display them as regular waypoints.) IIRC, the route waypoints went away when you deleted a route in the 60CS, not sure about the 60CSx--you could try it if you have any unwanted routes.

The 60CSx can delete individual waypoints , as groups based upon the display symbol, or delete all. If you have a small number of waypoints that you want to keep, you can change their symbol and delete the rest.

The best method may be to save the waypoints as a gpx file, delete the ones that you don't want with a text editor, and reload them. You should be able to do the same with routes.
