Gathering 7.0, the latest (where it belongs)

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New member
Sep 4, 2003
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The Beautiful Finger Lakes; Avatar: 4 Hrs. up, 4
I just reread the replies under the last Gathering 7.0 thread. So far, I have a rough count of about 30 people attending with a few more maybes. Since it is still over 4 months away, a lot of situations can change, but likely the numbers will continue to grow.

I have been in touch with Ed Reilley, the owner of Hide-A-Way campground. I have sent a deposit for all the tent sites at the campground. The charge is based on a per person per night basis. $5.00 which is reasonable. If Periwinkle brings her Mobile Mini Shower, Outdoor Spa and Refrigerated Transport, she should probably make arrangements directly with the campground.

Those of you who want to send me prepayment may do so. Cash, checks, money orders, PayPal, irrevocable Letters of Credit, or an option on 10 shares of Google stock when issued are all gladly accepted. I will post separately all contact information for the Gathering.

BTW, there is no rush to get any money to me. Keep in mind darren's Ride for Research (The Brain Tumor Society) coming up in a few weeks and LittleBear's Trek Across Maine (American Lung Association) in June. Please consider your support for these two very worthy causes as well.

I talked yesterday with Mark Muller, the owner of The Inn at Woodland Valley. It is located on NY 28 right at the turn for the campground. This would seem to be an ideal location for Friday night dinner. Later arrivals could stop there before heading in to the campground. Mark said he could accomodate 40 or more in his backroom and would be happy to have us. We could order from the menu or he will work with us for other meal arrangements/pricing. There's nothing cast in stone here, we are "penciled in" on his calendar. The shorter the crawl to my tent after dinner, the better. I'm open to any other suggestions.

I am planning to arrive on Thursday as are many others. Friday I'll hike and, depending on the pain, Saturday also.

Also, look for my post Gathering 7.0 Contacts.
