Gathering 8.0 Hike Plans

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No Sunset Ridge hike on Thursday

Given the weather forecast, there is no point in a sunset or moonlight hike, and I have no desire to be up there with thunderstorms moving through, so I am hereby cancelling my plans for a hike up Mansfield via Sunset Ridge on Thursday evening.

I'll climb Mansfield on Saturday along with SherpaK's group as noted in an earlier post in this thread. That day's weather will be sunny and beautiful. :)
Camel's Hump Friday

I'm going to plan on leaving the CG around 8:00 AM, find a good breakfast place on the way to the trailhead, then head up CH via Monroe, Alpine and Long Trails. Fairly liesurely pace, lots of time to savor the mountain. Anyone??

Sat: Mansfield, Sun: Camel's Hump

My plans (subject to "the Dr's" disapproval;))
Saturday: Mt Mansfield: Somewhat late start up Maple Ridge to the Forehead, across the ridge to the Chin, then down Sunset Ridge. I'm not planning on starting before 10:00 AM. The hike is ~9 miles, and book time is about 6 hours.
Sunday: Camel's Hump: Foggy start up Monroe Trail to Alpine Trail. Stop off to view Airplane wing (crash site) to LT. LT to summit. Backtrack on LT to Wind Gap and return on Dean Trail. 7.2 miles, about ~7 hrs book, but takes less time than that (about 6 hrs at a slow pace).

All are welcome to join in! Note: We may be somewhat tied to a tight time schedule on Sunday in order to get Gris on a plane back home (so might be an early start :eek: )

EDIT: I guess it makes more sense if I put the peaks in, right? :eek:
Worcester Rang

Audrey -
The Worcester Range hike is a great one. I did it in November one year, and we came down the Middlesex Trail like you are planning to do. Wish that I could join you. We will probably get stuck in the noreaster going to the Cape on Saturday! :(
teejay said:
I'm going to plan on leaving the CG around 8:00 AM, find a good breakfast place on the way to the trailhead, then head up CH via Monroe, Alpine and Long Trails. Fairly liesurely pace, lots of time to savor the mountain. Anyone?? teejay

Yes. I'm thinking that I'll do a real tourist duo - CH with you on Friday and Mansfield on Saturday.

Plan is to get out of here whenever I can tomorrow (thurs) and head over. Not sure when I will leave or get there -- still way too much to do, so I know it will be late. I have a Board mtg first thing AM then some work to tend to to set up my absence and probably still packing to finish B4 heading out. I'm assuming that I'll get to VT late *or* if I'm dead on the road, catch some shut-eye and head in the rest in the early AM Friday... directly to CG, resturant or trailhead??

TeeJay - give me a call (cell) and let me know where you end up for breakfast if you don't see me the night before or early AM.

What's the beta on CH? Miles, time? Where is the trailhead if I have to go there directly??
Mind if I join you guys on Camel's Hump? I'll bring the tequila.

I think I'll save the Worcester Range for a longer day.