"Gear for Sale????"


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New member
Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Guilderland, NY
Just curious: what ever happened to that idea of posting gear for sale? i was really looking forward to it.
I have no extra time or interest in moderating a buy and sell. I'm reluctant to speak for Darren, but from earlier posts, I'd say he agrees.
There are other places on the internet for selling gear.
ok then

sorry - i didn't start the idea. i thought it was something you guys thought about doing and initially you sounded all gung ho about it. no biggy. geez you sounded kind of grumpy, sorry if i hit a sour note. i thought it would be fun but yes, the adk forum has a spot for this so we don't really need two. i just like this site better.
have a happy wkend!
My sincere apologies if it came across as grumpy. Its been a long week with lots of work issues. The board was very active today with lots of PM's to reply to.
Sometimes being at work and jumping onto the board often, and I forget which world I'm in.


i knew something must have been out of whack bec i never thought of you as being grumpy. i have plenty of those days myself. i know how it is to get involved in a grass roots endeavor and before you know it, with your full time job, family, friends, activities; you forget what down time is! and then you wonder: is this worth it? but you guys do a great job and you can tell by all the folks who come to this site for info, to trade ideas and stories and make friends.
hope you had a great wkend!