Get Well Soon, Lynne!!!!!

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Our family is likewise sending our love & "positive vibes" while we wait for a speedy recovery. Get well soon Lynne & hang in their Bruce. Let us know if we can do anything.
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mavs00 said:
Our family is likewise sending our love & "positive vibes" while we wait for a speedy recovery. Get well soon Lynne & hang in their Bruce. Let us know if we can do anything.

Oh WOW I had no idea!! Bruce if there is anything I can do please let me know :)

Lynne get better soon !!!!!
Being sick or having a loved one sick around the holidays is hard. My best wishes and thoughts go out to Lynne, AlpineSummit and the rest of their family and friends. Stay strong and get well soon. :)

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Lynne, Lynne, Lynne!!

:eek: I can't believe that you are in the hospital!! Please get well soon and I look forward to Bruce's report on your homecoming!

You and Bruce are in my prayers. Get well soon!
Inge :)
I hope she is not seriously ill and will recover over time. I feel for you both and will keep you in my Prayers. I've only met you both once, but liked you both from the start. Get Well Lynn. Same goes for me Bruce if you need anything don't hesitate to ask. I owe you one anyway.
WoW - Many Thanks for all of the good words.

No release date in her future yet nor even a clue what's wrong with her, but mama is hanging tuff and will be bolstered with the good cheer you guys are sending.

All much appreciated.
The mountains miss you Lynne!

I met you on Seward in September of '01. Mr A returned from the direction of Doaldson soon after and we all finished the range together. I and my party enjoyed your company tremendously. When we talk, they still ask if I hear anything about you guys. When I leave the park and the mountains, I am glad to know that you and folks like you are there to watch over them.

Get well soon..

Hey all, Many Thanks for all of the good words and emails.
They are much appreciated.

Mama is home now! wooHOO !!!!!

She's hardly fit as a fiddle, and to quote my long-gone pa who was hill-billy raised in the mts of Virginia: She feels like she was "shot at and missed, but shit at and HIT"

Thanks to all, once she wakes up from her snoooooze - it's gonna be Christmas here.......YIPPEE !
That's EXCELLENT news Bruce. Glad Lynn is doing better. I emailed Peg MacKellar the other day to see how Lynn was. I sure didn't think she'd be home so soon.

Merry Christmas to Mr. and Mrs. Alphine Summit and Enjoy Your Holiday.

As the saying goes, "Better Late Than Never."
Good to read that Mrs. AlpineSummit is home. May her health improve quickly. Happy New Year to you both.
