Giant from East and 9N: crazy man's loop (09/08)

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This route begins on the 9N route to Giant (from NE) and crosses via bushwack to the route from New Russia, climbs Rocky Peak Ridge and Giant and returns to 9N. (GW07 from Witness the Forever Wild).

Trail from 9N to Owlhead Lookout was dry and clear. Usual loose till on the final ascent of Owlhead lookout. Trail to bushwack point had some dry muddy spots.

Crossover from the 9N trail to the New Russia trail descends to the river goes down river a bit and ascends to
the col between Bald and RPR. There are a few muddy spots on the descent and lots of blowdown, but for the most part it is possible to stay in mostly hardwood
forest. The stream crossing was easy since the water was low (but I killed my camera when it fell into the stream during a timer shot). This is not a route for the novice!!!
Ascent to the New Russia trail (east trail to Giant) is a bushwack and is similar to the descent.

Trail ascending Rocky Peak Ridge had one piece of blowdown that required a small effort to go around. Some mud near Lake Marie Louise.

Dry trail between RPR and Giant making some of the open rock ascending Giant easier than usual to climb.

The trail from Giant to the 9N trail is steep but in good condition. The trail back to 9N usually has some very muddy spots but was quite dry. boot sank only 1 inch next to 8 inch holes from previous visitors.

Pics and Map:

Note: rain on 09/09 may have significantly dampened things.

Cliff Reiter
[email protected]