Giant Ledge and Panther Mountains (Catskills) from rt 47 - 4/14-15

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Trail Conditions: Good late spring trail conditions (despite it being only April). Almost no mud (there is no Catskills "mud season" right now), and only a little ice near the summit of Panther (so little it was merely a novelty and posed no challenge). The bridge near the trailhead is rebuilt.

Special Equipment Required: None - normal late spring gear and clothing.

Comments: There was a very small amount of ice, and off trail there were a few patches of snow (Fell this past Mon or Tues?) near the summit of Panther, but other than this the Catskills normally feel like this in May or even June - dry trails, no issues due to ice. Hiked up with a small Scout group, camped at the designated site on Giant Ledge (which is in great shape), day-hiked to Panther. This was my first post-Irene trip to the Catskills, and it was a little shocking to actually see the evidence of how high the rivers got and how much damage there was in the valleys. Rt 47 between Rt 28 and the trailhead was in good condition, fully repaired. Also of note, the spring on the way to the top of Giant Ledge was running much lower/more slowly than I would expect for this time of year. I wonder if it will remain flowing all summer...