Giant Mountain via route 9n

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Giant Mountain via Route 9n

Trail Conditions: Trail was completely free of downed trees. No significant mud. Trail was largely free of black-flies until the giant mountain lean-to. Saw a mother turkey with her young near the lean-to. I also saw several grouse.

Special Equipment Required: Round trip is about 15 miles. To play it safe, 2-3 liters of water is a good idea for hot days.

Comments: I was rather disappointed to see human excrement within 15 feet of the lean-to (also near a water source). This contaminates water and also attracts bears/flies.

Also, this trail is largely free of hikers. If you want to take the trail less traveled up giant, this is the way to go. My round trip was about 15 miles. Overall this was a very pleasant day trip.

Your name: Matt

Your E-mail address: [email protected]