Giant RPR

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February 18, 2012. Giant and Rocky Peak ridge. Started early were the first ones on the trail for the day. Started right off with microspikes. quick ascent up the trail. Conditions light snow cover at the beginning of the trail head, snow increasing as the elevation gains. Switched to snow shoes further up we went as it was windy and we were breaking trail through 2-3 foot snow drifts. Great views from Giant. Trail to Rock peak, again breaking through snow drifts. A few icy spots especially through the ice flows. A bit icy on the summit of rocky peak ridge. Switched to mircrospikes for the summit of RPR. Crampons would have been better, however with MSR snowshoes and microspikes these two mountains were easily achieved. Windy on summit 30mph gusts. Descended with microspikes only as 35 people were on the trail
End of day trail well packed down