Go Bode!


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Oct 27, 2004
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Avatar: "World's Windiest Place" Stamp (5/27/06)
This isn't about backcountry skiing so it probably doesn't belong here but I'm really pleased to see that Bode Miller, who was born in the shadow of North Kinsman and started downhill skiing at Cannon when he was 3, is off to a great start this year. Journalists like to make a big deal about how Bode was raised in a log cabin, home-schooled, etc., etc., which he was, but they don't say that he subsequently went to a private school in Maine and that next to the log cabin was (and still is) the Tamarack Tennis Camp, which Bode's grandparents, Jack and Peg Kenney, started and which attracted scions of the (JF) Kennedy family. Never mind, it ruins the log cabin image. But Bode has done a lot of good things for kids in the local area, which doesn't get reported much either. Franconia and his native Easton are rightfully proud of him as an athlete and a good guy. OK, delete this if it's way off topic. I just wanted to praise this guy.

Oh, here's the hiking link: the bottom part of the Mt Kinsman trail, from 116 up past the woodlot and sugar house to the turn (where the old refrigerator was for many years), runs over private land. It's Kenney family land.
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Bode was on NHPR's Front Porch a while back. A real down-to-earth guy. I enjoyed listening to his rememberance of teaching himself bushwhacking and navigation skills when he was a wee little tyke. I wish him the best.
It seems to me that every time I head over to the Loaf area, I see his Hummer (it has "Bode" license plates) cruising around...

Seriously, I'm not exaggerating when I say I've seen it several of the many times I've been over there. He must like to drive :D

Way to go Bode...

Ugly American Poster Boy

I stopped caring about Bode Miller when he refused to wear his silver medal that he won in Salt Lake. "I came to win gold, and that's all I'll wear around my neck. Silver means nothing."

Yeah, Bode, that's what the Olympics are all about! Karma slapped him down into something like 20th place in his last event and chance at his precious gold. And I finally cheered for him. A nice Bronx cheer.
Doc, if you really knew Bode you would like him. The best thing about him is he is definitely his own man, but he is also very polite and respectful too.
Met him a couple of times on the New Hampshire Summer Soccer pitches. Actually a nice person. This goes back 8-10 years ago when he was a rumor...an up-and-coming player in the skiing scene.

He definantly has a following in that town. Many, from what I saw, look up to him like a god. Can't say I blame him, as he backs up with confidence with solid results.

His soccer skills were average to above average, but when he have an Olympic-class athelete, no matter the sport, he has a decided advantage over almost anyone else.
I'm wicked impressed with how Bode has reinvented himself. Even if he's only doing it to satisfy the media, he comes across as way more humble and the results seem to be rolling in. I really liked the comment at the finish line from one of the other skiers (I didn't catch who it was) that showed the renewed respect for Bode, too.

Good for him (and the US of A)!
100 % behind Bode, and all other NH skiiers in the Olympics! Leanne Smith from Conway is also having a good showing but doesn't get as much press. Lest we forget, she finished middle of the pack in both the Downhill and Super G, on a course where seasoned veterans DNF'ed.

NHARA took quite a stride when it made the step to introduce Super G to NH's skiing athletes. Before then it was phenomenal skill jump from GS to the speed events. My brother and I raced into the J2 series before having to jump to the private circuit to get any experience in competition for SG and DH, mostly thru Citizen's Leagues. That move by the NHARA has certainly paid off.
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I stopped caring about Bode Miller when he refused to wear his silver medal that he won in Salt Lake. "I came to win gold, and that's all I'll wear around my neck. Silver means nothing."

Yeah, Bode, that's what the Olympics are all about! Karma slapped him down into something like 20th place in his last event and chance at his precious gold. And I finally cheered for him. A nice Bronx cheer.

who's cheering now...
Edit: It was Svindal. Watch it here:


BodeFest at Cannon Mt., 4/3/2010


Thanks for posting link, as I missed on TV. Admittedly, I have been a Bode fan through thick and thin since he appeared on the ski scene. He is arguably one of the most versatile alpine skiers of all time, which his Olympic Gold in the Combined solidifies. Of course, Toni Sailer and Jean-Claude Killy swept Olympic Gold in 1956 and 1968, when there were only three alpine events. Ok, Bode, let's go for a couple more (GS and Slalom)!
I'm cheering for Bode. When he first came on the scene 4 years ago I didn't much care for his attitude. However a person can mature quite a bit in 4 years and I think he did just that. I've got no problem being in his corner.

With the exception of the self-centered Julia Mancuso, I'm cheering for all the US Olympians.
