Go Bode!


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Just one of us..

A lot of us have quirks, but at least Bode can ski!

Sean, I kinda like his attitude!! He doesn't "suckup" to what others want to define him as. I agree w/ Gris, that you'd probably like him. :D:D

ps We gotta get out this winter!!
A lot of us have quirks, but at least Bode can ski!

Sean, I kinda like his attitude!! He doesn't "suckup" to what others want to define him as. I agree w/ Gris, that you'd probably like him. :D:D

Heck anybody who admits to skiing drunk in the Olympics on National TV can't be that bad.:rolleyes::D
I'm cheering for Bode. When he first came on the scene 4 years ago I didn't much care for his attitude. However a person can mature quite a bit in 4 years and I think he did just that. I've got no problem being in his corner.

With the exception of the self-centered Julia Mancuso, I'm cheering for all the US Olympians.


You don't pay much attention to ski racing, huh? He's been skiing in World Cups and in the Olympics since 1998.

I'm also wondering why you think Julia Mancuso is self-centered. Is it because she was upset that she had to take a rerun yesterday?
I'm also wondering why you think Julia Mancuso is self-centered. Is it because she was upset that she had to take a rerun yesterday?

This is clearly the fault of the race organizing staff -- They have radios and electronic timing equipment. They should not have let JM start until LV had cleared the finish line. An enormous disappointment for JM and entirely preventable.

This is clearly the fault of the race organizing staff -- They have radios and electronic timing equipment. They should not have let JM start until LV had cleared the finish line. An enormous disappointment for JM and entirely preventable.

Enormous disappointment, yes. Entirely preventable, no. If you're interested in the sport, I recommend following Ski Racing Magazine, it's not the tabloid journalism that you'll find elsewhere.
Enormous disappointment, yes. Entirely preventable, no. If you're interested in the sport, I recommend following Ski Racing Magazine, it's not the tabloid journalism that you'll find elsewhere.

OK, It's entirely preventable barring human error, which is entirely INEXCUSABLE at the Olympic, Worlds, or World Cup level. I am presuming that you aren't supposed to have two skiers on course at the same time, which might be a wrong presumption.

I am presuming that you aren't supposed to have two skiers on course at the same time, which might be a wrong presumption.

I have never been to an Olympic or World Cup race, but have witnessed dozens of GS and Slalom races over the last 8 years, up to the college level, to cheer on my kid. There have always been two and frequently three skiers on the course at once, and they'd never get the races in on time otherwise. At those lower levels, at least, it is usually possible for a fallen skier to get out of the way in time, but redos happen not infrequently.

With the smaller number of skiers in the Olympics, maybe they could wait, especially in foggy conditions like yesterday. On the other hand, conditions were deteriorating, and that would be a good reason not to delay.
This is clearly the fault of the race organizing staff -- They have radios and electronic timing equipment. They should not have let JM start until LV had cleared the finish line. An enormous disappointment for JM and entirely preventable.
The announcers explained that it is standard operating procedure to run the skiers at shorter intervals under such conditions (accumulating snow) to minimize the chance for the run to change and thus keep the race fairer. Whether the on-run people could have radioed back to the start gate in time to stop JM is a another question. (IIRC, LV's crash was fairly far down on the run.)

JM was forced to rush back to the start gate with no time to rest or rewax her skis and was therefore put at a disadvantage.

JM was forced to rush back to the start gate with no time to rest or rewax her skis and was therefore put at a disadvantage.


Not quite.

As reported on Yahoo:
Mancuso was taken to the top of the mountain after her aborted run and had to wait for 13 more skiers before she could make her first official slalom. By then, conditions had deteriorated on the mountain, with snow and fog making the course much more treacherous.
As Mancuso raced down the mountain, Vonn was still on the course, forcing the stoppage. Mancuso then had to return to the top of the hill and wait to be rescheduled.

With the smaller number of skiers in the Olympics, maybe they could wait, especially in foggy conditions like yesterday. On the other hand, conditions were deteriorating, and that would be a good reason not to delay.

Actually, the Olympic field is larger than that of a World Cup, in spite of the fact that countries are limited to a maximum of four racers.

And DP is correct, Mancuso did have to rush back to the top and, while her tech probably put some sort of finish wax on her skis, it would not have lasted the whole run, which one of the reasons she lost so much time on the lower section of the course. A course like that requires quite the physical effort and the couple minutes that it took to slot her in, is far from a rest. Having to take a rerun, especially at that level, is both mentally & physically draining.

Finally, there was nothing intentional about any of it. The only possible error was whether or not they should have yellow flagged Mancuso and the officials had to make a quick judgment call.
Teo said:
Finally, there was nothing intentional about any of it. The only possible error was whether or not they should have yellow flagged Mancuso and the officials had to make a quick judgment call.
I was watching it live. (Or NBC's version of taped delay live...)

LV was tangled in the fence not far from the marked lane in a spot where later skiers could have run into her had they lost control. The flag on the outer gate poles was also torn off and needed to be replaced. The announcers concluded that stopping the racers was the proper decision (I think correctly). The fog may have made it harder for officials to see what had happened and delayed the decision and its implementation.

JM was just unlucky to be following someone who crashed which forced a halt. (But one could argue that she still came out better than LV who DNFed and broke a finger...)

Ok, so no fourth and fifth (GS and SL) medals for Bode, but with his three, along with two each for Lindsey Vonn and Julie Mancuso, a pretty decent showing for the U.S. alpine team. And, how about the U.S. four-man bobsled's first gold since 1948. And, a great gold-medal hockey game that could have gone either way.
Hello?! No love for Lake Placid's Andrew Weibrecht, bronze medalist in the Men's Super G?
Evidently not, nor for Bill Demong and Johnny Spillane keepin' it real in Nordic Combined.

Let's be representin', yo...! :cool:

Er, Dr. Dasypodidae did say the U.S. Alpine Team. Indeed, they do deserve kudos, however, Demong, Spillane, Lodwick, et alii are on the Nordic Team.