Goodbye Winter

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New member
Sep 4, 2003
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Stockholm, Sweden
It is with sadness that I say goodbye to this winter. Though it was pretty dry and sometimes frigid, I never thought that I would have such a great time:

A season of firsts for me:

-I hiked my first official winter 4K, Isolation on the solstice.
-I went to the ADKs for the first time and
-I skied up my first mountain via an auto road in the ADKs
-I winter camped for the first time
-I skied with a sled for the first time
-Wore crampons and plastic boots for the first time.
-I winter bushwacked for the first time.
-I went to Baxter in the winter for the first time.
-My eyelashes have never frozen before this year.

Thanks to all of you who made it possible for me to have such a blast! I'm pulling together some of my favorite winter photos, printing them and framing them -- I'll want to remember this winter all summer!!
It HAS been an amazing winter. A special Thanks to all my new friends for being great company as I tromped around in the woods this winter. I remember a great many solo winter trips prior to this year and I am glad those are now only a choice.

Started this winter with my first NH winter peak on Isolation
To fight the stress of the dissertation, I went hiking quite often so I end the winter with 17 winter peaks and more fond memories than I have a right to claim.

Goodbye winter and I look forward to next year.

Now who wants to go have some fun in the snow?

You've Come a Long Way Baby!


...from "Beer Wench" to "Winter Mountaineer" in a matter of a few short months. Wow!

Seems like only yesterday we were welcoming that shy cake baker into our midst at the fall Gathering. Now you are a Baxter winter vet.

You've come a long way baby!

Nice going!

It's far from over!!

It's March 20 and we're going ice climbing tomorrow!

Last year the snowpack lasted well into April in the high peaks.

The calendar may say it is no longer winter but the weather hasn't given up yet - take advantage of it while we can!!!:D
It has been a great winter.

Blue, remember our first bushwhack... breaking trail... PANubble!!! Fun, Fun, Fun!! Although I don't think it was officially winter yet.

It still feels like winter out there on the tails.

I too am looking forward to next winter.

See you all on the tails.
Nice little resume there! I also had a great, though shortened, winter (only to only get managed 11 more checked off the lists):
- First winter climb without attempting a peak (Sewards - but still a very fun trip)
- First ADK summits (woohoo!)
- First NY Speeding ticket (speed trap in Ticonderoga)
- First injury to keep me off trail (Willey)
- First Ski ascent (with you on Whiteface - what a great day!)
- First Pats win while watching from a NY bar

I'm looking forward to getting back out there, and getting back into a shape other than what I am in now!
A great season

A many of you know, I had a pretty great winter too. I finished one popular winter list, and started another a little less traveled. I skied quite a bit of the Catamount Trail, including a few miles this morning. Many firsts, many great hikes and many new and old friends.

Maybe the best thing, though, is the thought that by organizing a trip or two, getting out there as much as I could, or sometimes pushing forward a little when it was time, I just may have contributed in some small way to someone else's great winter hiking season. You've got to love that.
That’s not a maybe, Tramper Al. Your generous offer back in December to take some newbies up Old Speck had much to do with my decision to take the winter plunge. I really enjoyed that day, especially since by the time we finally got to go I had learned a thing or two about winter hiking, important things like how to keep fingers and toes warm! Learned a bit from you about ensuring a safe trip, too. Many thanks.

Blue, the only reason it is sad is because it was so darned good! I managed to reach fourteen peaks by winter’s end and met some terrific people along the way, including you and half of those posting above! That was the best discovery of the season – there are so many wonderful people out there who also like walking in the woods. My solo days may not be over entirely but they will be much more rare. Many thanks to my new friends for opening the winter door.
The good news is....

....that you only have to put your pencil and calendar down; Winter hiking is still here...


Funny - skiing up to Redington yesterday it sure still felt like winter! :)

I agree that this has been a fantastic season! I had my first skiing into the backcountry, learned downhill alpine skiing, my first time above treeline in wind/clouds/snow, my first trip to the ADK's, and made a ton of excellent new friends!

Hmm ... now what about this summer?
I'm also sad to see the winter end (despite all those arctic temperatures in January.) It was my first winter hiking above treeline and I managed to summit 5 peaks. I climed a few more, but didn't always make it to the top.

I'm also glad I've met a several people from this site -- it's great to share the outdoors with fellow hikers. :)

Even though I'm sad to see winter go, I'm looking forward to the warmer weather, so I can start my AT section hikes again too. :)

- Ivy
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Yup! A season of firsts for me also :)

First time out in winter ever, so very much into the unknown for me. The assistance given by folk on this, and other, boards and on the trail itself certainly shortened the learning curve and helped make this a fun season. Thank you all.

I only started hiking again last spring after being away from the trails for over twenty years. I've managed to tick off 14 overall and 7 winter 4ks since last September and had a few summitless adventures as well.

Memorable events?

First 4k - Madison on a hot September day.
Breaking trail in several feet of snow on the Scar Trail in November
Meeting other posters on group hikes
First winter 4k - Pierce on an unbelievably beautiful clear December day.
Rounding out winter on Washington with a great group.
Countless "Ahhhhh..." moments that could fill a book :)

Now... where is the bug spray?

Checking off summits on my winter list is an just another excuse to go hiking. I've hiked in much worse "winter" conditions after March 21 than in late December or early January before the snow pack builds up. I usually count on some excellent winter-weather hikes in late March and April.

However, this year, winter really may be nearly over the Whites. The snow pack is remarkably low. On the Crawford Path to Eisenhower a few weeks ago, it looked like there was only 2-3 feet of snow in the woods at most. I took my son skiing at Gunstock yesterday and was surprised to see grass showing under the chair lift all the way to the summit. They have not had a lot of natural snow there either. Perhaps this will limit the length of the mud season this spring.

I'm hoping for some good spring snow storms. I'm in no hurry for summer.
Yea, i too am sad to see"official winter" done,!! But I still have hopes for some great winter condition hiking and camping before the big melt!

This season was an enjoyable one! I got to meet a great group of people from the VFTT community on two group hikes. Got to experience bitter arctic conditions and above treeline. I think we all got that chance this winter! In even resigned myself to the fact that i indeed am doing a "list":) Did a bunch of 4k's and washed em down with plenty of pigs ear:)

Hope to see you on the trail....

I started off my ADK peakbagging with a Donaldson/Santanoni one-two punch of slogathons and it took me until February to hit the trails again. But what a month February was! And to end on a glorious Marcy to Gray to Skylight loop and out in under ten hours was the perfect "goodbye winter" for me. Hoped to end in the mid thirties and closed the book at 39 for the winter round.

Never sad to see winter end when a Northeast spring is right around the corner... somewhere...

Plus, I can now pull out my spring list. :D
Yes and thanks.

My pleasure, John S. And it goes both ways. You, Blue, sli74, Spencer, Nancy, Donna, SherpaK, and so many others have helped me have a really great winter walking in the woods, in the safety and company of friends. Thanks to all!
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I never thought I'd be sad to see the end of the winter hiking season, but this season saw my first winter 4K as well, Liza. And I loved it! I also did my longest solo daytrip this winter. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm going to miss winter hiking. Things are already getting a little sloppy out there.

I'm looking forward to summer. My goal for this season is solo overnighting. Although I've met so many great people here and could probably manage to join a group for alot of hikes, I'm determined to overcome my final fear factor in the backcountry and do this. Bring on summer!!!!
This winter was a wonderful reintroduction to hiking for me and I will miss it. The
direct routes, lack of smudge, the quietness, the pristine winter vistas and the ease on the knees are among what I've learned to appreciate.

I was reminded that I am still comfortable day hiking solo, got my first winter bushwhacks in, picked up some effective camping/hiking tips and grabbed a bunch of peaks along the way. I also remembered that when surrounded by such beauty
and variety the getting to the climb is just as rewarding as attaing the summit.

Hey but in spring I could probably daypack 30 lbs lighter and offset that with longer hikes. Bring it on.
ah, memories...

Thanks for starting this thread Blue. It was a great winter for hiking. I climbed Mt Washington for the first time and got my first ADK peaks. I also got some great photos!

I finally got to meet and hike with many folks who's posts I'd been reading for years (Sli74, SherpaKroto, Spencer, Arm) and meet a bunch of other folks like SwampYankee, JohnS, Nancy, KenC and Shizzmac who, though they post less frequently, are great to talk to face to face. Nice to "re-meet" Audrey after many years and to find folks that shared common interests like HikerBob and Mongoose. Also fun to meet an old high school alumni - Jaytrek57!

While I'm sad to see winter go (it was fun climbing Porter at 17 below zero?) I do look forward to spring hikes so I can start bringing along my dog and give you all get a chance to meet my "better hiking half".

See you on the trail!
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