Gore mtn, shaffer trail?


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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
I did gore on labor day and must have missed the shaffer trail (forgive my spelling). I parked in the parking lot and sign said shaffer trail to gore summit. All I could see was a trail dead ahead and a yellow arrow for a snowmobile trail. I followed the trail that was straight ahead and it was not much of a trail. Very overgrown and in about 10 minutes and a couple hundred feet figure I missed the trail somewhere. Not seeing any trail markers I just followed the ski Trails upward ( I figured these must lead to the top). I reached a stream at a bridge and it turned into a dirt road. The dirt road followed the chair lift to the top. The only problem with this was that it was in the sun for 1/2 way so I had no shade. When I reached the first summit I saw a sign saying shaffer trail to the summit. This was very well marked with blue trail markers every 20 feet. When I came down I was bound and determined to take the shaffer trail down. When I reached the road where I first saw the sign, there was no indication where the shaffer trail was? So I took the road back so not to get lost. Half way down I did see a sigh for another trail "roaring brook trail". I did not take it becouse I did not know where it went. I still did not see any indication of the shaffer trail anywhere. When I got to the parking lot there were 2 other cars there. I did not run ito anyone else on trail so I figure they took the right trail, but how? At my car I looked about 100-150 feet down the road towards route 28 and saw a small yellow sign. When I drove past it and stopped for a look, this looked like a well worn path. Now my questions is 1)is this the shaffer trail? 2) why isn't there a sign at the parking lot pointing this out if it is (my hiking book and other post on this forumn did not mention this fact) 3) why couldn't I retrace it from the top. When I got back to the road, I saw sign saying shaffer trail this way but nothing indicating where is was going down. I have already done this trail so I am only posting this question for others who want to take it.

You don't say whether you parked at the parking lot for the North Creek Ski Bowl or the parking lot for the Gore Mtn. Ski Center, so I had a hard time figuring out the report.

The Schaefer Trail starts at the old North Creek Ski Bowl. It follows ski trail to the top of the old Ski Bowl's lift, then climbs near a work road that was created in the building of the Hudson River Pipeline Gore uses for water. The trail does cross a bridge over the brook with the work road. Once on the main Gore Ski Center area, the Schaefer Trail criss crosses several ski trail going up. If I was sure where you started, I could give you more details.

If you went over the bridge, you were on the right track. I think the actual Schaefer trail is to uphill hikers right a few yards from the bridge. You have to hunt for a marker. It's not the clearest trail.
TCD said:
If you went over the bridge, you were on the right track. I think the actual Schaefer trail is to uphill hikers right a few yards from the bridge. You have to hunt for a marker. It's not the clearest trail.

I guess we were lucky, we found the trail and took it almost all the way to the top. Near the top, we lost the signs, so we decided to bushwhack up a slope. Big mistake! That grass was about 4 feet high! But, we made it up, had some lunch, and some great views, and followed the real trail all the way back to the car.

I remember the bridge, but I forget where the trail resumes on the other side of the road. I do remember having to hunt for signs in several places.

Are you doing the ADK Fire Tower challenge?
I'm not pursuing the fire tower challenge (at least not right now), but I'm partial to Gore because I patrol there. We hiked the Schaefer Trail the first year it was there (several years ago). I don't think it gets a lot of use.
It doesn't get much use becouse nobody can find the trail :D
Did I miss something. Does Gore have a fire tower? :confused:
I looked at the summit from the first summit and all I saw was what looked like a radio antenna. When I got to the warming hut I assumed I was at the top so I had lunch at the picnic table and did not go any farther. All I saw from the warming hut was what I thought was the radio antenna tower. I would think a tower would stand out.
Yes, Gore has a tower. The summit is a pretty good sized fairly flat area. There are numerous man made features, including the Warming Hut, the Patrrol Station, the Old Gondola top building, several small storage sheds, the radio tower, the fire tower (near the radio tower), lots of snowmaking stuff, and a couple outhouses.

The Warming Hut is near the NE edge of all this development.