Gothics/Armstrong via Beaver Meadows 2/9

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Dusting of snow on the road, gradually deepening until about 2 miles in the trail disappeared. Snow underneath fairly soft and mushy making for a slippery, arduous climb. All ladders negotiable in snowshoes. Trail up Armstrong from the col quick though drifted in with 10+ inches of windblown snow. Trail up Gothics completely invisible in deep snow and snow laden trees. I lost the trail over the shoulder but managed to swim through the powder anyway. Cornice was amazing and a bit scary what with 18 inches of new powder blown to a point in the wind. In a couple places it looked like a breaking wave, just frozen in mid-air. Beautiful on the summit. Lost the trail again on the descent (trying to find the actual trail)--be careful if you follow my tracks. Disappointing butt-sliding because of the softness of the base. My best ascent of Gothics yet. And then the moonrise...