GPS Warning

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Sep 8, 2003
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Bush Prepares for Possible GPS Shutdown

I suppose there always was a chance of losing GPS during a terrorist incident, but prior reports I have read said it could be 'turned off' in specific threat areas, never a system wide shut down.

So carry a map and compass!

Note- I dont want to start a map & compass vs GPS thread, just share the information....
There are a lot of civilian uses of GPS in the surveying and commercial airline field so I would imagine they would be fairly hesitant at doing it. GPS, from what I understand anyway is fairly easy to jam at least with the right technology.

The article talks about "selective areas," not an entire system shutdown. The headline is a little misleading.

I wouldn't trust my life to something that runs on batteries anyway. Now that the weather is getting colder, I have enough trouble keeping my digital camera going.
If I remember right, they can also downgrade the accuracy from 3 meters to 30 meters quickly (maybe more?).

As for shutting it down completely, they have been pushing boat owners to get GPS and not rely on LORAN anymore, so I would say it has to be selective.

Yah, on second reading the headline is misleading, but its not hard to imagine a selective shutdown that includes the area of a bushwhack.
I believe the accuracy degradation is called Selective Availability. When SA is applied, accuracy for other than government receivers drops to the old days before President Clinton removed SA.
If it became a military necessity, its much more likely they would downgrade everyone's accuracy, not just try and jam it here and there. From an accuracy standpoint it would be a hassle. From a safety standpoint, SA is no biggie.
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stopher said:
The article talks about "selective areas," not an entire system shutdown. The headline is a little misleading.

I wouldn't trust my life to something that runs on batteries anyway. Now that the weather is getting colder, I have enough trouble keeping my digital camera going.

TRUE! Keep my spare batteries in an innermost location!

An "innermost location," frytz? I don't wanna hear the specifics.

But back to GPS and the big attack, I derive an immense amount of assurance knowing that the nuke is gonna miss me by 30'.

Opps, I meant METERS. Good. Now I feel safe.
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For this shutdown to materialize, it's most likely going to be a 9-11 or greater type event. There's going to be a lot more people inconvenienced than bushwackers (aka, freighter captains in the fog) :) . You probably won't want to be bushwackin anyway....or maybe you in the Yukon !! :D