Please be advised that all trailhead parking for the southern end of the Grafton Loop Trailhead is to be at the lot at the southern end of the previously existing eastern side. I stumbled upon the recently opened wester leg of the loop this week while on vacation. Set out for a quick morning jaunt today and since the western leg is only a month+ old figured I would grab a quick out and back to Stowe Mt. while the family slept in. I was unaware of any parking restrictions so I chose a wide shoulder near where the trail heads west from Rte 26.
I was just about to leave my car when a gentleman pulled over and explained that part of the negotiation for the trail on the western side of Rte 26 was that all parking would be at the lot at the southern end of the eastern leg (.7 miles north on Rte 26). He was very polite and after a chat he let me know that he owns a good part of the south end of the newly opened trail. I thanked him for letting the trail come into being and moved to the lot.
Since he asked me to pass this info along I am posting this message. The word from AMC has not gotten out about trail parking, and since the ability to continue use hinges on people abiding by parking (and camping) rules I hope people will play by the rules.
Great trail by the way...
I was just about to leave my car when a gentleman pulled over and explained that part of the negotiation for the trail on the western side of Rte 26 was that all parking would be at the lot at the southern end of the eastern leg (.7 miles north on Rte 26). He was very polite and after a chat he let me know that he owns a good part of the south end of the newly opened trail. I thanked him for letting the trail come into being and moved to the lot.
Since he asked me to pass this info along I am posting this message. The word from AMC has not gotten out about trail parking, and since the ability to continue use hinges on people abiding by parking (and camping) rules I hope people will play by the rules.
Great trail by the way...