Great hiking poster

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I love the Demotivators series... a couple personal favorites from years past:

* It could be the purpose of your life is to serve as a warning for others

* The Journey of a Thousand Miles Sometimes Ends Very Very Badly

* Just because you've always done it that way doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid.
When I saw the title of this thread I thought it was about me.

Is there a difference between a hiking poster and a posting hiker?
Let's try to keep this at least tangentially related to hiking, OK?

If it's any comfort, Dave, all three of mine apply directly to my hiking career:

* It could be the purpose of your life is to serve as a warning for others -- Anyone who's watched me stagger back to a trailhead can learn from my example.

* The Journey of a Thousand Miles Sometimes Ends Very Very Badly -- This is why I will probably never through-hike the AT.

* Just because you've always done it that way doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid. -- Witness my life-long tendency to overpack, then wonder why my knees hurt.
I work for a medium-sized company where motivational posters can be found in corridors and common areas. In an effort to maintain my sanity by poking fun at bureaucracy (whilst all the while appearing to walk the company line), I bought a bunch of Despair posters and rotate in a new one about every six months.

Here's what's currently hanging behind my desk:


What's funny is to see the reaction of people when they realize that the poster is a joke. There have been several times where people -- vendors, co-workers and other folks who are in my office regularly -- finally take the time to READ THE FINE PRINT on the poster that they have seen dozens or hundreds of times.

The looks on their faces are priceless! ;)
* It could be the purpose of your life is to serve as a warning for others

I have this one in my cubicle too.. it's a picture of the ocean during sunset with a ship's bow upturned and about to go under!

Do not follow this hiker*


*obligatory hiking content.