Great Range Water Source Question

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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2005
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The Hinterlands of North Central MA

I'm part of a group plannning a one day GRT this summer, just wondering if anyone who has done the traverse as a one day trek can suggest some reliable water sources?

We'll be heading out over Marcy and ending at RC. I can't remember any water along the Basin/Saddleback/Gothics/Armstrong/UWL/LWJ stretch. I've topped off at the Spring on the trail near Little Marcy in the past, and plan to top off there.

But beyond that:

1.Is there a reliable source for topping off water b/w Marcy and Saddleback??

Or below UWJ? Or any short spurs to water along the GR?

2. How many liters did you carry for your traverse p person?


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There is water available near the site of the old Sno-bird leanto. I don't have a map handy, but it is the only designated campsite on the range and there is a campsite sign there.

There's also water in the col between Saddleback and Gothics. In really dry years you might have to drop down the orebed brook trail a little, but not too far.

I did fine with two 1-liter bottles and filled them at both places, but it was a relatively cool day. In hot weather you might want a third bottle.
If I remember right, I carried 4 liters when I did it two years ago and found a water source (small stream) in the col between Basin and Haystack. Even with a filter, it tasted like pine needles.
Water sources

I've done the Great Range Traverse around the Summer solstice for a number of years, sometimes starting with Marcy and sometimes starting with LWJ. I don't know about later in the summer, but can vouch for water conditions at that time of year.
As you hike down the Range Trail from the Haystack junction, you meet up with a small stream. You can get water along the descent, or wait until further down at the col at the junction with the Snowbird trail (Haystack Brook). Plentiful water and very tasty!
I have always found water at the Saddleback/Gothics col, without having to descend down the OreBed trail. Just look on the Saddleback of the col behind the logs. It hides there.
Beyond this point you are not likely to come across a water source until you are well off Lower Wolf Jaw.
I usually bring 2 or 2.5 liters and find that sufficient - drink up when pumping!
Thanks, everyone!

Beverly, that's our time frame, so with what you've posted and the amount of snow this year, I think we'll find water at those places. :)

GRT is coming up fast! Can't wait!!!!! :D :D
ColdRiverRun said:
You may find snow!
:eek: :)

Speaking of snow, I just read Kerry's report of Marcy/Skylight from yesterday. Sounds like a lot of rotten snow back in there still. Hoping for a bit more of a meltout before next weekend, looks like the snowshoes will be going for another ride! :rolleyes:
This may not help for your proposed route but worth considering.
In August 2006 I did a version of the GRT with 2 friends. We started at JBL and starting with Marcy, went up and tagged Skylight, dropped down to Panther Gorge and refilled with water there, then headed up to Haystack, then Little Haystack, Basin, Saddleback, Gothics, Armstrong, Upper Wolfjaw, Lower Wolfjaw and out over Rooster Comb. Took 12.5 hours and was a wonderful day out, despite the occasional rain shower which made the Gothic slabs very interesting :)
Search for previous threads that detail this. We do the GRT every year in the RC to Marcy direction, out via JBL and back to the car. I like that direction; I feel it's anticlimax to climb Marcy first. We start VERY light on water, because RC is actually the biggest climb. We filter 2l each at Deer Brook, at the WA White trail junction. That carries us over LWJ to Basin. Then we filter 2l each again at Basin Haystack col as others have mentioned. That gets us out to JBL, where there's a potable water tap that's turned on after Memorial Day.

Other water: 15 minutes down Wolfjaws Notch trail toward John's Brook; at or near Ore Bed col. Also several streams on the way down RC, if you're really dry and can't make it to the end without filling up.

It's a great hike. Have fun!

In '06, I did the GR from RT. 73, Rooster Comb to Haystack, and carried 2L of water. When I found any water source, I filtered and drank at least 1L, then filtered 2 more liters to refill my bottles.

Your day might go something like this:

- Descend Marcy, climb up to the Little Haystack junction and do Haystack (normally, there is water in a shallow basin on top of Little Haystack).
- Get water on the trail at the "Snowbird" site between Haystack and Basin
- Climb Basin and Saddleback
- Find water in the Saddleback-Gothics col, or on the Ore Bed Brook trail just a very short distance down from the col.
- Climb Gothics, Armstrong, and Upper Wolfjaw
-Find water a short distance down from the UWJ-LWJ col toward Johns Brook, OR in a seep on the trail a short distance up toward LWJ.
- Hike out over LWJ, Hedgehog, side trip to Rooster Comb, descend to Rt. 73, and CELEBRATE! :D

PS: I took 2 ½ days to do that loop beginning from the Garden and down to Rt. 73 - Rooster Comb to Haystack - and out via Johns Brook. Good luck!
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