Green Hills Preserve 5/16/09

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Kevin Judy and Emma

Well-known member
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Kingston, NH.
Sorry for the late post!


Painted Trillium Cypripedium acaule

Middle Mountain 1857' and Peaked Mountain 1739'

5.4 Miles 1750' Elevation gain

Green Hills Preserve:

Kevin, Judy, Emma and Dan

People have asked me, "Who are your favorite photographers?" For the past 5 or 6 years my answer has been Jim Salge and Patrick Lafreniere, well known White Mountain photographers who appear regularly on this and other forums. Imagine the thrill of seeing your two favorite photographers with back to back slideshows on your favorite subject, Nature Photography in the White Mountains.

Well, I got my thrill and more. The good folks at the Mount Washington Observatory hosted an event featuring these photographers at their Weather Discovery Center in North Conway. I was privileged to attend with my wife and two friends from VFTT, Jeremy and Darlene. We also had the pleasure of meeting and dining with several VFTT and Obs Forum Members as well as Jim S. at the Moat Mountain Brewery before the show.

As for the show it couldn't have been better. If you are familiar with their extraordinary photography then I need hardly explain.


Please help with identity!

To pass time before this event we took Judy's brother Dan to the Green Hill Preserve. Nice little hike. Great local views. Chocorua, the Moats. Outstanding views of Washington descending from Peaked Mountain. Lots of wildflowers, bugs not bad!


Bearberry Artostaphylos uva-ursi

It was great to see everyone Saturday night and thanks Patrick and Jim for sharing your talent with us!


Goldthread Coptis trifolia

Pics here:

Last edited: as usual your pictures are incredible and you could do a presentation of your own!!

It was a great presentation with two amazing photographers!! Thanks guys for the camera suggestions for my up & coming trip!! I took your advise! :rolleyes:

Hope to see more pics from all of you -Kevin included!!!:D


Wonderful photos, as always!

And the Green Hill Preserve is a special little place. That approach to the peak of Peaked Mountain has it's own special feel to it, the way you are funneled up towards the top by the rocks, through the flowers and the greens and suddenly you pop out on the edge, just beyond that last tree. I just discovered it myself last month and I will return many times.
Painted Trillium Cypripedium acaule
funny, I thought I saw a neuron slipping there....

The unidentified photo is probably Comandra umbellata = "******* toadflax" (the photo scale is throwing me off), leaves are somewhat waxy in weirdish whorls around a stem, flowers are white 5-petal star-shaped, approx 1/8-3/16" diam. A semiparasitic plant, common in open sunny areas on poor acidic soil.

on the Viola in your pictures: it's very unlikely to be V. palustris which in NH is known only from the Presidential Range and is supposed to be kind of a lilac color (I haven't seen it, it's rather rare); more likely to be V. blanda or V. macloskeyi. I don't know the differences of the top of my head & don't have a key on hand.

keep snapping those nice photos... :)

edit: blunt-pointed leaves seem to rule out V. blanda; however it could be V. renifolia also.
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I find the bearberry photo to be particularly stunning - the contrast of the texture of the leaves vs. the smoothness of the flower is quite a sight, considering the zoom. Certainly something you cannot appreciate simply by walking by the flower!