Green Tunnel

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That's really interesting. I'm assuming all the clips were from earliest to latest since Katahdin was shown last. The music reminded me of an older (70's or 80's PBS special). It's cool to see how the trail terrain changes from south to north.

Thanks for sharing!
Very nice! Thanks for sharing.

It must be nice to hike the AT without any rain! :D

I assume that the camera stayed inside the pack during rainy conditions.
A nice dose of green for this green-deprived person. (we've had 2.36 inches of precip since we moved from MA just under 7 months ago!)

I was looking forward to seeing an 0.1 second glimpse of Mahoosuc Notch. Perhaps too tough to video while hiking?

Cool idea in theory, but I didn't like the actual result. Not a big fan of the music and the headache/nausea-inducing fast video. For those with a weak stomach, try this: right after you hit "play", hit "pause", then slowly walk the cursor across the time line, and treat it like a photo slideshow. 2:26 reminded me of Franconia Brook Trail coming back from 13 Falls, where you can see straight a long way and see the hole at the end of the tunnel.


I'd love to see the raw video. Good job by him for the hike and taking all that video.
I was looking forward to seeing an 0.1 second glimpse of Mahoosuc Notch. Perhaps too tough to video while hiking?


A couple of images at 3:39 into the video must be the notch, it occurs just after the welcome to Maine sign.