Greylock by Bicycle: Reverse the Curse

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John Satterlee

Team Member
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
At some point in the last ten years, I came up with the notion of taking a trip up Greylock if the Red Sox ever won it all. Don't ask me why, perhaps spurred by such chatter on the highpointer's forum.

I happened to have a school reunion in Lenox, MA, a few miles south, this afternoon-the day of the first game of the 2004 world series. I figured that the Sox beating the Yankees was just as good, so I headed up.

There are two roads to the top, one from the south and one from the north. I decided to do a loop. I parked at the south park entrance and took Rte 7 to Rte 2 and then took Notch Rd, the northern road, then returned on the southern road.

A nice suprise was how beautiful the roads between the two mountain roads were, along a beautiful valley up Rte 7 and then a nice quiet road alongside a little river with lots of fall foliage left.

Because it was forecast to be in the 30s in the morning, it was hard to dress for, especially when the descent would be so chilling after a vigorous climb. I ended up taking off the helmet, gloves, and down to shirts on the way up. I had almost full winter gear on for the return.

16 or so miles after the start, the climb started and as the steep ascents began, I began to wonder what the heck I was doing up there. I had just driven the same exact route a few weeks earlier and I recalled only one steep section, but I seemed to hit that same section 5 or 6 times.

The woods were lovely, not yet leafless but enough gone to litter the ground and provide for nice views once high enough.

After a few miles, someone had kindly spray painted the miles on the ground, the road leveled out somewhat, and a view of the summit tower popped thru the newly leafless trees.

Both the north and south roads join near the summit, with some great views of the valley below, you definitely don't see views like that in Rhode Island.

The summit was full of people, a group or two of youths and lots of cars all over. I had just been to the summit a few weeks before and I was running late, so I skipped a stopover at Bascom Lodge to warm up by the fire.

The descent down the south approach was not exactly down hill all the way and there was actually a little climb. The road surface sucked bad so I couldn't really build up speed.

There was another fireplace at the lodge at the start of the road, but I barely had time to enjoy that warmth either.
Hi John, nice report. I was planning on doing the same loop after biking to the 'Shires last october. My friend and I camped in Beartown S.F. for a couple of days in October while my sister had an art show going on at Butternet Basin. One day, my friend and I biked all the way from there to Pittstown with my intent to bike up Greylock, down the northside and take the railtrail east of Greylock to get back to Beartown, but we didn't make fast enough time to get to Adams or actually even Pittsfield so we went to plan B and went to the Shaker village in Hancock. My friend isn't nearly as fast as I am on a bike and I didn't want to leave him.

What kind of bike did you ride it in, a road or a MTB? Gears?

Nice! I've always wanted to do a trip like that, so it was great to live it vicariously through your report.
I'm happy to see you enjoyed your time in the Berkshires. I live in Stockbridge and I love it here! Lots of local hiking, kayaking and pretty good skiing as well.

Love those Sox!
Sounds like it was a lot of fun, John. The good news is that the State is going to rebuild the road from the Visitors Center in Lanesboro, to the summit. I'm not sure if they are doing the road from the Summit to Notch North Adams. Those 'speed bumps' caused by the culverts heaving will soon be a memory.

Here's a sweet hike on Greylock that I did a few years ago. I parked at the Gould Farm in Adams, and started up the access to the Thunderbolt. When I reached the main (steeper) part of the mountain, I bushwacked south, until i reached the power line that heads to the summit from the east face. I wanted to avoid tresspassing on Mrs. Gould's property. Anyway, climb the powerline route to the summit road. Follow the road up for maybe 200 yards, and then cut down into the woods for maybe 300 yards, and you'll come out at the head of the 1990 slide. Great place to eat lunch! I couldn't climb down the slide, too steep and gravelly, but you can work your way along the fringes and occasionally walk out into the middle of it. Work your way over the rubble pile at the base, whack downhill through the woods, and you'll pick up the Thunderbolt. Nice hike!

Oh yeah; You gotta love those Sox!! This still hasn't worn off this writer!
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