Greylock MA Dog hike 04/17/2005

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A few people have been talking about getting together for a group hike with dogs included. At the risk of causing the usual dog controversy, here goes:

Place: Mount Greylock in western MA

When: April 17th
Time: not yet established
Route: We're thinking of walking the road up. This is a shorter, easier hike that will allow older pups to participate. Hopefully the road will be melted out but not yet open to traffic on the 17th.

In the interest of safety, we've established a few rules:
One dog per handler.
Leashes, at least initially, will be required. I cannot find anything on Greylock's site that says whether they are required.

Please no aggressive or out-of-control dogs.
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It is tempting ot bring Nitwit er I mean Rusty along maybe he can learn by example he is not agressive in fact he is too friendly but he would be leashesd all the time plus a 3 hr ride with him I am not sure how that would work out in a pick up .
If it was closer I would bring him to Whachussets if dogs are alowed there.
A dozen Newfs? All that slobber would cause worse flooding than we've already had this year!

Greylock was suggested as middle ground for MA and NY. Wachusett in Princeton MA does allow dogs. Dogs are supposed to be leashed but seldom are.
As far as I know (and I hike there a lot), the gates on the auto road are quite a distance from the Greylock summit and don't open until the weekend before Memorial Day. The link shows about 6 miles each way from the north and 8 miles each way from the south (if I did the math correctly). A shorter alternative to the summit would be the Cheshire Harbor trail.