"Hale of a Loop" - Sunday 7/10


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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2004
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Kill Kaso, MA
This is very tentative but I'm considering going up Hale via. Old Fire Warden Trail, over to Zeacliff then Zealand, West Bond, Bond, back to Guyot, South Twin and finally North Twin. It's about 20 miles but fairly low elevation (<5000') which will make this an easy-ish trip.

Route for Sunday:
Firewarden Trail ~3.0mi
Lend a Hand - 2.7mi
Twinway - 4.9mi
Bondcliff Tr (rt) - 2.6mi
West Bond Spur (rt) - 1.0mi
N. Twin Spur - 1.3mi
N. Twin Tr - 4.3mi

I'm looking for a partner... thinking about starting around 7am or 8am and expecting it to take between 9 and 11 hours -- a leisurely brisk pace I'd say.

The hike I really want to do (but will have to wait for another day) is to go up Hale and over to Zealand Hut, then Zealand Notch to Thoreau Falls and then over to the Wilderness Trail and up the Bondcliff Trail all the way over the Bond/Twin ridge and out. That's 30 miles and more elevation gained (7500' or so?) so the hike I'm doing Sunday is more a training run.

Proposed Route:
Firewarden Tr ~ 3.0mi
Lend a Hand - 2.7mi
Twinway - 0.2mi
Ethan Pond - 2.1mi
Thoreau Falls - 5.1mi
Wilderness Tr - 1.6mi
Bondcliff - 6.9mi
West Bond Spur (rt) - 1.0mi
Twinway - 2.0mi
N. Twin Spur - 1.3mi
N. Twin Tr - 4.3mi

If you're interested, reply here or PM me... don't just show up. These plans are tenative at best right now and may have to wait till next week. I'm looking for some interest though.

-Dr. Wu
I'd be interested in your Hale loop, if I hadn't just done something similar (see TR for Hale, N Twin, S Twin, Guyot, and Zealand a few weeks ago). Hale Fire Warden was easy to follow.

Instead, I'm planning the east half of Pemi tomorrow: Wilderness to Bondcliff to Twinway to Garfield Ridge Trail to Franconia Brook Trail and out again on Wilderness. Mid-20's, dunno about elevation.
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Dugan said:
I'd be interested in your Hale loop, if I hadn't just done something similar (see TR for Hale, N Twin, S Twin, Guyot, and Zealand a few weeks ago). Hale Fire Warden was easy to follow.

Instead, I'm planning the east half of Pemi tomorrow: Wilderness to Bondcliff to Twinway to Garfield Ridge Trail to Franconia Brook Trail and out again on Wilderness. Mid-20's, dunno about elevation.
Would you consider this:

Wilderness to Bondcliff to Twinway... but instead of going towards South Twin, go towards Zealand... drop down to Zealand Notch, Ethan Pond Trail to Thoreau Falls Trail to Wilderness Trail and out. Mid 20's distance but easy on the elevation. It's similar to the one you're talking about except you go right instead of straight at Guyot! If you're interested in this trail or a partner for a hike tomorrow, PM me and we can talk. I'm very flexible...

-Dr. Wu
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Dugan - FYI - Topo! says 25 miles and 4,870 ft of elevation gain for your half loop (excluding West Bond).

It often gives mileages slightly less than book or signed mileages so depending on who you believe you could easily add another mile to that.

Good luck and take a couple changes of socks!

For a comparison, Topo! says Dr Wu's suggested route is 26 miles and 4,540 ft of elevation gain. That's dropping down the Zeacliff trail. If you go via the hut it adds about 1.6 miles and 141 ft of elevation gain.

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Wow! wtg Dugan and Dugan!

Topo! Says you did 27 miles and 6,036 ft of elevation gain!

You went all that way and didn't visit North Twin ? :D

Thanks for the stats - it didn't feel that big. The long flat out on Franconia Brook and Wilderness made the last several miles fast & easy.

Nope, no North Twin. Considered it, but skipped it since I'd been there recently.

This one was without Dugan the four-legged :( His pad abrasion from Owl's Head isn't fully healed. Besides, too warm and too long for the big furry guy.
Dugan said:
HikerBob: thanks for the info. Ended up including both West Bond and Galehead, see trail conditions. Too tired to look at book mileage.

Didn't see Dr Wu.
I didn't see anyone except for Thru Hikers between Guyot and South Twin (the section where I'd have expected to see Dugan).

I'll probably post a short trip report once I have pictures up. I did the loop: North Twin Trail to Firewarden's Trail up Hale, Zeacliff, Zealand, Guyot, South Twin, North Twin and out. Rough, rugged terrain. Only 18 miles -- feet are a little sore and my legs are tired but I feel like a wimp comparing my hike to Dugan's!! I had a tough time -- there was no respite on any of the trails except for the Firewarden's Trail which was not so rocky and nicely graded!

-Dr. Wu
Maybe we passed unknowingly? I got to Guyot > South Twin around 12:30. I ran into thru hikers Iceman coming off South Twin, a section hiker headed up South Twin, and Castaway at Galehead (a relative who started and quit a thru hike this year asked me to keep an eye out for thru hikers he knew). Other than that, the only solo I remember was an older man.
Good job! i went in via Zealand & over to all Bonds & back out same way three or four years ago on a hot summer day and it kicked my a-- :D