Two friends and I planned to climb Hale via the Old Firewarden's yesterday (Friday, 8/15). I managed to miss the start of the trail, so it was a lucky fluke that we ran into a man near the third river crossing who was able to set us straight (thank you!). He also said that the whole side of Hale was an easy open bushwhack. We decided that rather than head back to Old Frirewarden's, we'd just go straight up. This worked fine. It took about 70' of easy going to hit the Lend a Hand about 3 minutes below the summit. Then we went down to the hut, up Zealand, over the Twins and back, a fine, but unremarkable, walk. A few notes: we easily found the Old Firewarden's on the way down. It is quite clear. The 'bushwhack' to avoid the first two stream crossings is straighforward and makes much more sense than using the relatively difficult crossings. Trails are drying out, but have a long way to go.