Hancocks stardard route 12/30


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Hancock Notch well packed and well maintainded, one easy blow down. Bare bootable

Cedar Brook well packed, water crossings not an issue. A few blowdowns, all easy. Also a well packed bushwack avoiding water crossings. Bare bootable

Hancock Loop. We did the north summit first. Very steep, traction would be helpfull. Loose powder on top of slippery stuff, but pretty well packed. The ridge connector is filling with snow drifts, recommend snow shoes for here. And we pretty much slid down the south summit trail.

Really clear day, very cold which I believe made most of this trip bare bootable. Awesome views, great day with my 12 year old son.

We used poles and shoes.

Dave Simms 32/48NH4K'ers
[email protected]

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