Happy to start a list.


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Jay H

New member
Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsfield, MA
With everybody posting about finishing so and so list, I can happily say that I've officially started my NE 4k'er list.

Eric and I did a 4 day backpack in the Pemis end of August, did the Bonds, South Twin, Galehead. Thought I'd share the photos, some or Eric in pain but many of me alone on the hazy summits.

Grovestreet link

Bondcliff is now my first 4k peak in the Whites. I managed to do Bondcliff, Bond, West Bond, (Guyot, though not on the "list"), South Twin and Galehead.

To be short, we hiked in along the Garfield trail to get to 13 Falls, south on Franconia Brook with a short visit to Franconia Falls before being booted by a ranger. Then over to Bondcliff via the Wilderness trail down the Gale River trail and a road walk back to our car at Garfield.

Let the journey begin!

Like to redo the Bonds again, this time with better weather... and do the outer loop this time, over the Franconia Ridge trail...

Welcome to the club(s)! You do know that they never end? The lists I mean!
Enjoyed the time with Jay in the Pemi.

Regarding pain, I had (still have) the worst blisters on my heels I ever had . Every step after day 1 was a new level of pain felt. I also smashed my toe and cut my shin and felt generally like garbage- and nary a view on the Bonds. :mad:

Also, through my stupidity I left my dromlite bag home and only had two nalgenes- was a problem for me on day three from the Bondcliff trail to Galehead hut.

Still enjoyed the walk around Bondcliff with the clouds and fog.

Thanks Jay for dealing with me during my time of torture :)

Added three 4k's to my list- I cut short some of the hikes to avoid extra torture since there were no views... as Jay said, I'll have to go back.